Food List

jan19230 Posts: 11 Member
I used MFP a couple of years ago while I was living in France and added a lot of foods from our french supermarket onto my list. I am now back in the UK and would like to delete all the french stuff from my list, but can't see how to do it. Can anyone tell me how to do it please? Many thanks.



  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    MFP "Add Food " feature has several tabs.
    You can delete items from the "Frequent" tab
    "Most recent" tab does not have a delete option, unfortunately. If you keep on adding food, the unwanted items will arrive to page 4 of the "Most recent" tab and drop off.
    Happy New Year
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    If you're talking about the "my foods" list, you can't delete them (at least not on the website; I don't use the app so I don't know if there's anyway to delete them there). However, if you access the my foods list under the main food tab (rather than going in through "add foods"), you can edit them, so if it really bothers you, what you could do is anytime you need to add a new food, edit one of the old ones you want to get rid of - including the name of the food, serving size, etc. Basically, you would be overwriting one food with another.

    I know it can get hard to find the foods you're still using among a lot of ones that you don't. For that reason, I find the my foods tab pretty useless when I'm adding foods for a particular meal. It would be nice if you could search your "my foods" list when you're adding food--maybe you can do that with the app version?
  • jan19230
    jan19230 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you for your replies - I will have a look at your suggestions and for deleting and if it proves impossible, I'll overwrite them as suggested.