Little Food, LOTS of weight

Help! Ok I'm a total loss, I've gotten huge! I'm now 169 :( I've never weighed this much except when I'm Pg. I haven't changed anything as far as eating habits or anything from when before I was pg with my second child. I'm always (or almost always) way below my calorie intake and I try not to be sedentary through out the day. ( keeping up with a 3 yrs old/1 yr old and 2 puppies makes it hard to be lazy). However I'm still barely losing if at all. :( I don't know know what to do. I don't eat much and I'm rarely relaxing during the day. Help!


  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    How many calories are you eating a day?
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    What are you eating? A lot of carbs, little protein (you want the opposite)? Are you getting good sleep? Are you stressed out? All these things can affect your weight..
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Maybe you arent eating ENOUGH???
    Your body needs a bare minimum to function - and if it isnt getting enough - it will store anything it can get its hands on to keep. Its called starvation mode.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    Maybe you arent eating ENOUGH???
    Your body needs a bare minimum to function - and if it isnt getting enough - it will store anything it can get its hands on to keep. Its called starvation mode.

    Totally agree with this. Most of the weight I gained was from not eating enough or not eating all day and eating one huge meal at night.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    You may not be eating enough, although it still sounds strange to me. Going way below your calories will not really speed up your weight loss and in fact can slow it down or even cause you to gain.

    I lost 5 lbs the first few days...great. Then I really made sure to cut calories (under by 400-500 per day when you count exercise calories) and I GAINED 3 lbs. Trainer said to eat more (of the right foods, not the Twinkies darn it!), and it came right back off and dropped another 5.

    Maybe you could try eating all of your calories and see what happens in a week or two.

    Good luck!
  • Keegansmum6
    Keegansmum6 Posts: 193 Member
    Can you make your diary public? I am also thinking your not eating enough..
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    How many calories are you eating? It may be not enough, but if you are not logging them, you may be eating too much, it's easy to overestimate.
  • ralena
    ralena Posts: 29 Member
    definitely agree!!!! you may want 3 lbs a week.. but wouldn't it be better to have 1/2 lb or 1 lb a week off.. instead of GAINING every week. Eat more. I know several others that did this.. and it worked great, including myself. Good luck.
    On another note: Isn't it awesome to be on a "diet" and get told to eat MORE? :) running after little ones all day really is a work out. Have fun adding more food and water :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Maybe you arent eating ENOUGH???
    Your body needs a bare minimum to function - and if it isnt getting enough - it will store anything it can get its hands on to keep. Its called starvation mode.

    I second this.

    I was cutting calories and eating like 1200 or so and not getting anywhere. Then I started eating more like 1500 or so, and I started losing faster.

    Oftentimes we must do what seems logically wrong...and even though it is hard to think that way...your stomach will thank you too.
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    I normally eat under 1,200 Cal. per day. I log everything except my drinks sometimes 'cause I forget. I don't hardly drink milk or anything 'cause it's so expensive here in Korea so I try to save it all for my kids. I know this last few weeks my diet has sucked 'cause we went on vacation back to the states. I enjoyed a lot of food lol. Normally though my diet is something small in the morning if I remember, a sandwhich or rice or something for lunch, and a good sized dinner ( normally consisting of vegies/chicken/and rice or something similar) I don't normally drink a lot of water but I'm getting better on it. I also tend to have a dessert with the hubs about an hr after dinner. (I know I shouldn't but it's a hard habit to break. I will one day I hope)
  • aranchmom
    aranchmom Posts: 176 Member
    Help! Ok I'm a total loss, I've gotten huge! I'm now 169 :( I've never weighed this much except when I'm Pg. I haven't changed anything as far as eating habits or anything from when before I was pg with my second child. I'm always (or almost always) way below my calorie intake and I try not to be sedentary through out the day. ( keeping up with a 3 yrs old/1 yr old and 2 puppies makes it hard to be lazy). However I'm still barely losing if at all. :( I don't know know what to do. I don't eat much and I'm rarely relaxing during the day. Help!
    Sounds alot like me. I still haven't figured it out for sure...I wasn't losing when I had it set to what i thought it should be set at - so this week I have it set higher, to see what the *more calories* does to the scale. So frustrating.
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    Sounds alot like me. I still haven't figured it out for sure...I wasn't losing when I had it set to what i thought it should be set at - so this week I have it set higher, to see what the *more calories* does to the scale. So frustrating.

    Good luck! If you figure it out please let me know!
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    What are you eating? A lot of carbs, little protein (you want the opposite)? Are you getting good sleep? Are you stressed out? All these things can affect your weight..
    Vegies, crackers, lots of chicken, rice, ect. I have insomnia so I sleep when I can but that's not necessarily every night, it's next to impossible to be an Army wife and mom and not be stressed out :(
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    You aren't fueling your body with enough calories so it is clinging on to everything by slowing your metabolism and clinging on to everything it can get. Eat an absolute MINIMUM of 1200 calories. If you work out and burn 500 calories eat 1700 calories that day.
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    I second ghoztt's comments. Calculate your BMR (there are plenty of websites to do this) then adjust for any exercise you might be doing and finally try to put yourself in a 300 or so calorie deficit to achieve ideal weight loss don't accept anyone else's "one size fits all" approach to how many calories you should be consuming. Also follow the advice of others about the QUALITY of the foods you eat: big tip, in general avoid starches and sugars as much as possible. Lower your carbs *GRADUALLY* until you find a mix that works for your unique metabolism. In general lower carb diets are better for fat loss but some people tolerate carbs just fine and a high-carb/low-fat diet will work for them too. As a general rule don't do any diet that emphasizes eating a majority of junk food, processed foods, foods high in saturated fats, sodium, etc. Contrary to popular belief "fad diets", huge calorie deficits, long-term calorie deficits with intense excercise, etc. are all recipes for an unhealthy body and NOT good ways to lose fat and keep it off. To lose fat you have to feed the body's metabolic furnace with a healthy and appropriate amount of high quality food while maintaining a small calorie deficit either thru diet, excercise or (ideally) a combination of the two.

    If you are doing all these things correctly already then consider the following:
    * Are you stressed?
    * Are you getting enough sleep?
    * Are you eating your biggest meals late at night? Try eating a big breakfast and stopping eating at least 3 hours before bed.
    * Are you eating too few meals(with lots of time between) thereby lowering your metabolism as a result?
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    Alright, thanks guys! Will def. try and eat more through out the day and not so much at night. I think my foods them selves are ok, but we'll see. Does anyone know if Depression Pills 'cause weight gain too? Out of curiosity 'cause I'm now taking them :(
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    What are you eating? A lot of carbs, little protein (you want the opposite)? Are you getting good sleep? Are you stressed out? All these things can affect your weight..
    Vegies, crackers, lots of chicken, rice, ect. I have insomnia so I sleep when I can but that's not necessarily every night, it's next to impossible to be an Army wife and mom and not be stressed out :(

    Have you tried melatonin?
  • kngarber
    kngarber Posts: 227
    Yes they can.
  • MommaMind
    MommaMind Posts: 28
    No I haven't tried that. I try not to take meds when ever possible. Didn't even take anything when I had my first kid and wouldn't have with the second if there hadn't been complications. I do drink Chamomile tea sometimes at night but it doesn't always work.