Hello! Anyone else here need to lose 100+ pounds?



  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    edited January 2016
    check out this forum: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3322-100-pounds-with-no-surgery
    Lot's of great folks going thru the same struggles......Wishing everyone the best for the new year.


  • perifecto
    perifecto Posts: 9 Member
    Greetings! I need to lose about 120 pounds total. I didn't gain it quickly nor will it come off quickly, particularly as I am now just past 50 and female. I used to be very athletic, and years of abusing my joints in sports gradually caused more chronic pain and less activity. I was still holding at a reasonable weight albeit about 30 pounds more than I needed at 5'10" tall until I got promoted into a position that has me chained to my chair about 50 percent of the time while not getting my breaks. The rest of the time I can work at my motorized desk and stand or sit at will.

    I got one knee replaced in 2014, so I can move better with less pain, but I have an uneven gait which stresses my back. I want to get the weight off and more strength before I get my other knee replaced. got a Fitbit Flex today because it's the model that can be worn in the water. My main aerobics will be in the water, walking and cycling indoors and outside. I have started Pilates and continue to do things to regain flexibility and to build muscle. However, I am actively logging every bit of food and drink as the battle will be won by reducing my calories to create a deficit even on days when I can't exercise much.
  • Katiedriss1
    Katiedriss1 Posts: 93 Member
    I need to lose between 80 and 100 pounds I feel like its impossible some days but I keep positive I definitely need the support and motivation.
  • patdjohnson
    patdjohnson Posts: 2 Member
    Hello my name is Patrick,

    I have started today on my journey of weight loss. This is not my first boy with weight, but this will be my last. I am currently at 337.8 @6'4" and I WILL get down to my goal weight of 225#'s. It will be hard but I am going to be more committed than ever. I have also promised my wife that when I get to my goal, we will book a cruise. So now I have to do it. Thank you for listening.
  • dozensofthreads
    dozensofthreads Posts: 139 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 180 pounds, but I'm not actually sure if that's a healthy goal for me based on my bone structure... Anyway, it's pretty intimidating! I'd love to be friends with you if you'd like someone else who's trying to kick that mark!
  • mrsnelson16
    mrsnelson16 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes. I'm looking to lose right around 100lbs. It's good to see I'm not alone.
  • mbryon
    mbryon Posts: 130 Member
    YOU ARE MY HEROS! I truly admire your strength, humility, grace, and honor in making a difference in your lives! <3 All around you are blessed by your Courage and YOU are so worth it! <3 God Bless the 100 plus club… very soon these Angels will be two digit warriors! o:)
  • charleneIGrenier
    charleneIGrenier Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! So, How are you all feeling? Ive been on holidays this week.I start back to work Sunday night. 11pm to 7 am. I have been walking 2 miles 5x a week with Lesley Sanson DVD. Walk Away The Pounds. I will start doing Yoga 3x a week and eating more healthy. I bought a small notebook at the $ store to record everything I eat. If I eat it, I write it. This way I will see possible patterns. Im getting my water in by drinking one cup every hour. I have set an alarm on my phone. I write 5 reasons I need to lose weight daily to keep me motivated. Day 2. Bring it on!
  • redhq
    redhq Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to lose150lbs, to get to 200lbs. I've never known what its like to be a normal weight, I hope one day to find out.

    For those looking to rmember to drink water a neat water consumption tracker I've found is called plant nanny. It reminds you to drink water and if you don't drink enough your plants die and it's pretty sad.

    If anyone needs a MFP buddy feel free to add me.
  • Hi all, I have approx 100lb to lose to- feel free to add. I'm eating a mainly plant based diet (open diary) and do yoga, pump and step and other cardio at the gym of an afternoon.
  • nbradfo
    nbradfo Posts: 3 Member
    By the charts I had 100 lbs to lose. Talking with my doctor, we decided 80 was more reasonable for me. I lost 40 last year on weught watchers. They changed everything about the plan last month and I decided to cut expenses. Fitness Pal. To the rescue! The holidays have been brutal and I have gained back 5 lbs, so 45 left to lose this year.
  • ChristerHaugsoen
    ChristerHaugsoen Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Charlene. This is my first week and I have noticed a significant boost in energy as I now eat more healthy. The MFP tracker keeps me motivated. I'm still tweaking my goals and calorie intake. I cut down on the carbs and increased my protein and fat intake. Not that I'm trying to eat more fat but I think it's important to have enough energy for the day and some fat is required when you are eating significantly less calories.

    I quit drinking alcohol in March of 2012 and promptly gained 100+ pounds. I'm 5'7" and now an increased 280. I want to be near 165 in a few years and that will be a combination of cardio and weights. I have a good muscle build now, although it's slightly hidden, and know that if I were to lift heavy weights I will simply gain weight. So I'm committed to running, swimming and hiking for the first six months; 30+ min a day 7 days a week.

    Just got over a cold so I'm actually going to the gym for the first time today. I'm fairly nervous to be in a gym looking the way I do. Just ordered my FitBit Charge HR yesterday! Will be here Jan 11, just after my 40th birthday! Better late than giving up. I'm looking into clean eating. Have you heard of it? It eliminates processed foods completely (with the exception of small piece of chocolate now and then.) I'm in the process of eating all the junk food, which to me is Mac&Cheese in the box, instant oatmeal and 2 bags of my favorite cookies. I'm tracking it all and so far have not cheated. Do you plan on having a cheat day (or a cheat meal) each week? I'm thinking no myself. But time will tell. I've worked in the kitchen most of my life and now retired from the industry I'm back in school. Trying to start a new career in finance so that one day I can afford to open a restaurant.

    Good luck to you! I'll see you around I hope.
  • charleneIGrenier
    charleneIGrenier Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome everyone! Today is the first day of your life. B)
  • I am looking to lose about 110 pounds. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, and have finally decided I'm done pushing it under the rug. I've gotten exceptionally lazy lately, and I'm finally sick and tired of hating what I see when I look in the mirror. I recently adopted a dog, and need motivation to take him for long walks, not just let him out and sit around. I'm determined to get back to being healthy, especially in the new year. A support group would be much appreciated :)
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    I too have 150+ to lose. Lost about 40 lbs on here about 1 1/2 years ago and got lazy and gained back those 40 with 40 friends. Need / want to get recommitted for 2016. Anyone is welcome to add me for support. I have quite a few friends on here but not a lot who are consistsant.
  • awvrmom2011
    awvrmom2011 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am restarting my tracking this month, 302 pounds and long term goal is to reach 200!
  • EmmaBilson2
    EmmaBilson2 Posts: 3 Member
    I have 100lbs to lose. I'd love to have some people on here with similar goals. I hope you don't mind me sending a few friend requests, please feel free to add me too.
  • shalemar4
    shalemar4 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting the 100 lb journey using fitbit and my fitness pal. Hello all.
  • I've lost 110 pounds over the last 4 years and kept it off, with no surgery or fads. Just make small, incremental changes and it becomes a lifestyle, not a diet! Good luck on your journey, and anyone can feel free to add me if they want. I log daily and try to encourage my friends. :smiley:
  • kilara21
    kilara21 Posts: 69 Member
    My long term goal is to lose 100 pounds. I've used MFP before and lost 35 pounds...but stopped using it and gained all that weight back again :/ So I'm here to get back on track and start losing that weight I've regained as my short term goal. I am looking for some friends with similar goals, so feel free to add me also. Good luck everybody!