50lbs or more to loose



  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi I've about 80 to go. I'm 5'4 as well. I currently am at around 207 starting mfp at 235/7 last October. While I'd love to lose 50 this year my goal is just to actually lose bc that seemed to work last year without putting a number on it. Although I have multiple goals without a time frame to make them easier to achieve. My goal as of now is 200. Then 180!
  • haleybug89
    haleybug89 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I have about 70lbs to loose, that is my goal for now. I am 26 years old, 5'4 and weight 265. I knew I was big, but when I got on the scale 2 days ago I realized just how big I really was. It was a big eye opener for me. I never really dieted before, or at least nothing that lasted for more than 3 days before I blew my diet. I am in need of support and diet/fitness tips. Feel free to add me, we can do this together.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello! I had around 50 pounds to loose when I started two months ago. I've lost 12 so far with calorie counting, yoga, and walking. Weight is so much harder to take off now that I am in my 40's! I am only 5'2" so an extra 50 pound is really unhealthy for me. My cholesterol is creeping up and I don't want to end up on meds. Feel free to add me for some mutual positive support!
  • Um12tlwr
    Um12tlwr Posts: 12 Member
    I am 23, 5'8 and have about 70lbs to lose, going over 200lbs on the scale was a big turning moment for me and I'm feeling motivated to lose the weight.
    Good luck everyone on your weight loss journeys
  • I'll be 28 next month, 5'5", am currently 238 lbs, and am looking to lose at least 70lbs (to be re-evaluated once I get closer to my goal). I've steadily gained weight since a young age, so I don't even know what it feels like or means to be HEALTHY. My highest weight was 274 in 2011, and as of last year I had gotten down to 209. Thanks to a PT job in addition to my FT job, I lost track of my healthy eating habits and exercise routine, and quickly gained back the weight I had worked so hard to lose.
    I seem to be struggling with the same ~30 lbs, going back and forth, back and forth, and I'm tired of it!! I'm ready to reach ONEderland and finally be healthy and fit. I want to LIVE my life, instead of just existing in it.

    I am always interested in adding more friends for motivation. We all got this, bring it on 2016!!
  • amarz298
    amarz298 Posts: 36 Member
    why the time frames, people? you didnt gain it in 6,8,12 months, you are highly unlikely to lose it in that time frame.

    its not a race.

    i eat out all the time and eat chocolate and drink like a sailor and still lost 70+ pounds in the past year. but that wasnt my goal. my goal was to make changes for the better, and the weight that came off would be a bonus.

    I actually am a rare case. I taught dance, took dance, and was a dancer for a hockey team. Then I stopped everything at once. I gained about 50 pounds in 5 months. I turned to eating. I didn't handle giving up what I loved very well. Now 5 years later I'm still struggling to loose it.
  • sassypsyn
    sassypsyn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 64 years old and have lost 38 lbs from my highest weight of 234, I still have 60 lbs to go and hoping to do it this year. I've started atkins today again, since that was the diet that helped me lose the most weight.. feel free to add me.. Good Luck everyone!!
  • KoshVorlon
    KoshVorlon Posts: 31 Member
    Tricx21 & VeryEirry & all the rest of you posting above, thanks for your courage and willingness to share. Looks like I am the only guy amongst you and I need to drop a wee bit over 90 lbs now, having dropped 20 since the first week of October. I will be 63 in March and hate exercise.

    I have been using MFP & FitBit as motivators and just readjusted my calorie goal to 1350/day. I have tried many times over the years, but not really very hard.

    Now I want to support my wife of 39 years who has been diagnosed as pre-diabetic and has had to go on a special diet (no-carbs). She is not over weight like me. I would be happy to friend anyone of you that may need a 'buddy'. I am not really sure how all this works, but I am determined to reach my ultimate goal of 180 lbs. I am 5' 11" and currently at 270 lbs. The 2 pounds a week goal may be reasonable, I do not know, but I sure would like to try. May I ask you all how often you weigh yourselves? Maybe a better question is how often am I supposed to weigh myself? It seems my weight can fluctuate up and down by as much as 2 pounds on a daily basis. Very confusing to me.

    NTL, Happy New Year to each of you and reading your posts, I am confident you will all succeed in reaching your goals. Good luck and God Speed.

    Tom (aka KoshVorlon)
  • jeannettemancini
    jeannettemancini Posts: 58 Member
    hi! I'm 42, and have 50-60 to loose. I lost 30 something last year, but I gained all but 20 back due to a Disney world trip, business travel and the holidays. I know I can do it.. one day at a time. 20 lbs is nothing to sneeze out.. but hoping I get past the 6 month hump... I always seem to stall out in July or so.
  • TaniTru
    TaniTru Posts: 6 Member
    tricx21 wrote: »
    So I have 9 months to lose more than 50lbs. That's less than 2lb per week for the next 36 weeks. Seems simple enough. I'm just looking for like minded people or people who have a lot to lose to keep each other motivated

    That is me - I was looking for a thread with those who have a little more to lose and I found it - thanks. I have conceded to slow and steady instead of fads - but I am looking for all the inspirational and support available to achieve that lol No better time to start than the new year. Get fit friends wanted for support and encouragement! :)
  • TaniTru
    TaniTru Posts: 6 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    I started at age 59, 19 months ago. I've lost every month since, including vacations, holidays, illnesses, etc. It can be done at any age if you want it bad enough. For me, the key is to set a plan, establish good habits, then do it. Don't wait to "feel motivated" because feelings come & go. 125 lbs list, about 30 left to goal. It is hard, but being fat and feeling awful is harder. Ok to friend me if you want to post comments and not just auto-posts.

    That's amazing - needed the inspiration to help keep focused, thanks!
  • mandileigh89
    mandileigh89 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 26 years old at about 196 now. Have lost 5 lbs in 1 1/2 weeks just by cutting out soda, junk food, eating healthier and exercising moderately. I'm still looking to lose about 50 lbs as I'm 5'4 and want to weigh around 145. That's my first goal my second goal is losing another 10 to be 130 then toning up. I did nothing BUT drink soda everyday and eat pizza or fast food every day. I quit it all cold turkey. I'm tired of feeling the way I do. If anyone wants to add me feel free. I'm always up for motivation and support and as well as to motivate and support you!!! :)
  • Hfeff
    Hfeff Posts: 37 Member
    I have about 65 or more to lose. I am at the highest weight in my life. I had my second son almost 5 months ago. I gained 40 pounds with him. I lost 25 but gained about 8 back. I need to get healthy by eating more fruits and vegetables. I've always had a love hate relationship with them. I am determined to do this. I do need the support. We can do this. Then we can turn around and pay it forward by helping others do it. Good Luck