
Being addicted to food really sucks big-time!!! I am so sick of this/of me! I swear I believe it is easier to break a drug addiction than it is to overcome this! It seems like everytime I notice a certain food that I really have a problem with, I try to cut it out but end up replacing it with another food that becomes a problem. I really am at the point that I just don't know what to do anymore. I am so dang discusted with myself.

Today I seen a picture of me that was taken of me at a cookout this past saturday and I had to look twice to make sure it was me. I don't FEEL as big as I appear in pictures. I think that is a problem...I think being overweight isn't as real to me as it actually should be. I look at pictures and it just don't seem like I am really that big like it is showing. I look in the mirror and I see that I am fat but I honestly think my perception of me is distorted. My mind can't change how I look in a picture but it can convince me that what I'm seeing in the mirror isn't as big as it is.

I know I really really really need to do something NOW but I also have a fear that may be holding me back. I am so scared that if I lose the 80 pounds that I need to....Am I going to have sagging skin that I can't do anything about. I'm 42 years old and I realize my skin won't act like that of a 22 year old. It really scares me to think of that nasty skin just hanging there. I'm not rich...I can't just run to a surgeon and get it removed. I am really going in circles with myself and don't know what to do. I am so lost right now.:sad:


  • lisamarie1227
    wow, i really appreciate all the imput and help on this one...NOT:(
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    take it one step at a time. Small changes lead to big changes. You can do it -- read the success board (I do every night). Pick one thing -- I picked walking -- and do it. The next week pick a diet change. You can do it!
  • saldous
    saldous Posts: 4
    It is OK to like food, you just have to moderate the portion size, that's what I'm doing and it is working (with some exercise too)

    We all have our ups and downs, the important thing is the will power to want to change, and to then commit to it. Have you written down your goals? Writing them down and reading them every morning to yourself will help get your mind in the right place. Take a look at some example affirmations here: http://www.vitalaffirmations.com/affirmations.htm#example affirmations

    (oh and remember most people are at work 2-5pm, so the replies to your posts at those times of day won't be so fast)

    Hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck in achieving your goals.
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    I slowly let my weight go up over the past two years and I said similar things to what you said. "I'm not that fat..." and would just keep eating whatever I wanted to. Then one day I was trying on clothes in the shop and I was just shocked. Not necessarily on how the clothes looked (although that didn't help), but also how much extra flab there was hanging around.

    The next day I joined the 21day consecutive workout days challenge and it has totally changed me. I have only just started this weight loss journey, but kickstarting my body by doing 21 days of workout really helped. While the scale hasn't moved much, my body shape has definitely changed. So much so that I even made it out to buy bikini's the other day. I still have a long way to go to where I will be totally happy with myself, but the results I have seen in the past 3 weeks have helped me motivate myself to keep going. I think I will do this! I will look much better than I do now for my vacation at the middle of June

    I am tracking and being good at it, but I do have some treats each day as well. I have not been able to cut those out completely. it's just about portion control as the other poster mentioned.

    Good luck with it. We all have our ups and down and just the fact that you are on MFP means you want to do something about it. Just find the right challenge for you and try to stick to it.

    Good luck