I'm 50 and tired of living as a fat girl.......

It's new years 2016. I have been fat most of my life with a couple brief periods of being fit and healthy. I am not healthy now. My husband loves me, but is afraid for my health. I am afraid too. I have a daughter that needs her momma. I need to lose about 75 pounds. That is a lot. I am not going to diet this time. I am going to change my habits. If any of you out there are dealing with a significant amount of weight to lose, I sure would love a buddy. Preferably someone about my age with a family and full time job. I have been a teacher for 25 years. Help!


  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I am 47 with 45 pounds to lose. I lost 15 already. I am also not dieting but changing my eating habits for life. I have a decent size family and am self-employed. Feel free to add me.
  • forevermarin
    forevermarin Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I am 42 & weigh way to much. My biggest goal is losing 150 lbs. My mini (realistic, not setting the bar to high and setting me up for quick failure) is increments of 10 lbs. I figure that I did not gain it overnight, have carried it for a long time so how can I expect to lose it in a short amount. I figure 10 lbs a month is realistic but the more the merrier. I am the attendance/ data clerk for an elementary school so I definitely know the stress our jobs can bring on. I have tried so many times to lose weight but tomorrow is a brand new day and I'm not getting any younger.

    Let's be friends.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    You can do this! I'm 53 & I work as a school sub. I have two daughters, one in college, and in addition to subbing I'm a weekend caregiver and I manage our family rental cabin. So: busy! I joined MFP in mid August and lost a little over 20 lbs by December. I have a little under 30 to go. Start small by doing things you really like to do; eat things you really like to eat. Watch your input vs your output and it will all start to fall into place!
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Just wanted to pop in an say Welcome @kellyguvens.

    I started at my highest weight in my late 40's @ 278 lbs and now at 53 years of age have been successfully maintaining at my new weight of 110 lbs for the last 3 years, I'm 5' 4" by the way.

    I knew that the time was right for me as I was so very sick of feeling tired, uncomfortable and sick. I brushed aside all the comments I got about how hard or even impossible it was going to be to lose the weight due to age and being menopausal etc etc.

    I started out eating smaller portions and got my @ss out of the chair and walked (A LOT) :#

    I hope you and others on this thread find MFP to be the wonderful resource that I have found it to be.....I've been plugging away here since 2011 (2nd account) and if you don't mind I'd like to give you some advice that has lead me and many others to success:

    Get yourself some digital kitchen scales and weigh and honestly log everything (and I mean everything) that you eat or drink.

    Eat foods that you enjoy, just moderate your portions.....this is not the time to embrace any far-out diet plan that makes unrealistic promises....ie: If it sounds too good to be true then it is.

    Losing weight is ALL about your Calories In CI being lower than your Calories Out CO.....how you achieve that is personal preference.

    Exercise if you so wish for your health and happiness.

    Read the forums here at MFP and learn as much as you can.

    Be patient and persistent.....these qualities will far outlast the touted Motivation.

    Be kind to yourself along the way too....if you fall off the wagon don't feel as though you have failed, no one is perfect, just get back into to the swing of things after each falter and you'll be golden.

    I wish you all the best.
  • Marlynx2
    Marlynx2 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 50 and have about 45-50 lbs to lose. I. Having health issues and really need to get healthy and fit. I would also like a buddy. I'm a full time registered nurse, I work 10 hr shifts. My husband is self employed and very busy, I have 3 college aged children. 2 at home and 1 who comes home for summers and Christmas. I'm extremely busy and usually exhausted.
    Maybe we can get through this together!!!

    New year....New me!
  • kellyguvens
    kellyguvens Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ladies! how do I add you? Very new to this.
  • kcwwoa
    kcwwoa Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 58 and have 150+ to lose. Just concentrating on clean eating and building up my strength. Baby steps.

    To add someone click on username, next screen click username again then click on icon for adding someone.
  • neudeb12
    neudeb12 Posts: 76 Member
    I just turned 50 this past June. I'm hoping to lose 30lbs this year. I have been obese most of my life with a few windows of time where I was closer to normal weight. I have one teenage child and a full time job (with a 3 hour round trip commute). Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • hassiehuggins
    hassiehuggins Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies, I am am going to do it this time. I've started using my nutribullet to replace two meals. I have 90 lbs to lose. But, one pound at a time. I am 55 and tired of being fat!!! Wish me luck
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm 47. Lean meats and nonstarchy vegetables are your friend. Especially that late night stomach-gnawing hunger. A plate full of steamed broccoli or green beans won't undo all your hard work.
  • murtleturtle
    murtleturtle Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there @kellyguvens ! I turn 50 this year, have a grown up family and a very demanding full time job. I'm aiming to lose 42lb in total but taking it a pound at a time! Happy for you to add me and good luck!
  • Lavender2222
    Lavender2222 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi there. I am 45 and have 45 pounds to loose. New year, new start. I have a office job, schooling kids and tired at night. I am not Into exersizing but Will make a start tomorrow with a walk around the block. I am rather new, all help, support is welcome