meal replacement

Hi I received a nutribullet for Christmas. I am now replacing two meals a day with a liquid diet of fresh nuts, vegetables, fruits and grains. I am sticking to a low carb diet. I have 90 lbs to lose. Has anyone tried this before?


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm sure lots of people have

    If it suits you great

    I prefer to eat my food than drink it tbh
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016
    It will work if your calories in are smaller than your calories out.

    If they aren't it won't

    So best to weigh and log everything you put in your nutribullet carefully

    There's no magic in liquidising food nor in going low carb unless it suits you to meet your calorie defecit
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I prefer to eat my food - chewing food is more satisfying and eating food is better for my digestive system.

    I also find it way too easy to make smoothies high calorie - they can be vehicles for a lot of fruit and vegies (more than you may eat in a sitting). I find smoothies good for my husband who is trying to increase his caloric intake but lacks appetite and time to eat another proper meal.

    All you need to do to lose weight is eat less than you burn... It doesn't have to be through eating low carb, or restricting foods. Just be consistent!
  • janewarrington1
    janewarrington1 Posts: 11 Member
    I did a three day juice/smoothie detox before christmas because i had been unwell and lost my apetite. It worked for what i needed to but am not in love with the process, i prefer a solid meal that i can spend time enjoying.

    I know people who swear by juicing, but you have to make sure theres more veg than fruit or there will be lots of sugar in them.

    As said above, if it suits your lifestyle/tastes and calories in are lower than calories out then its all good!
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    edited January 2016
    My Mum has a nutribullet and I make smoothies with it, but for me it's just a way to make a nice drink or if I want to get some fruit and veggies in and don't feel like eating them.

    I wouldn't be able to replace meals with it. Bear in mind that ideally the weight loss process should involve changes to your lifestyle you will stick to, in order to keep the weight off. Are you going to be juicing for two meals a day forever? If not, think about how likely you will be to keep the weight off when you return to eating three meals a day. Many of us have been there, done that, and are now back here again doing it differently.

    Everyone is different though, and if it works for you, great!
  • jenrowen
    jenrowen Posts: 1 Member
    I do two shakes a day and love it. It works for me. I buy Premier Protein premixed chocolate shakes at Costco, add 3-4 tbsp of powdered peanut butter and 5 ice cubes and blend for about 35 sec. So good. And it meets low carb guidelines, tastes great and has about 40 grams of protein. Try it out. I shake for breakfast and dinner, having lean protein and veggies at lunch.
    Good luck!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Hi I received a nutribullet for Christmas. I am now replacing two meals a day with a liquid diet of fresh nuts, vegetables, fruits and grains. I am sticking to a low carb diet. I have 90 lbs to lose. Has anyone tried this before?

    I haven't, like others I prefer to chew my food, but I need meal replacements for a week or two after I have surgery to repair a hernia. Where have you gotten your recipes? Are you always hungry, or do your meals satisfy you?
  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    If its easier to get your fruits a vegetables in a easy and timely manner more power to ya. Just don't miss on some good protein, too.
  • hassiehuggins
    hassiehuggins Posts: 4 Member
  • hassiehuggins
    hassiehuggins Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for all of your input! ! I am working out 4 days a week in the gym and the pool. I also
    walk 3 -5 miles a day. Hopefully with exercise, diet and determination I will reach my goal. I will weight at the end of the month. .wish me luck. Thanks again
  • rattiemomma
    rattiemomma Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2016
    I was making green smoothies in a blender, but it was too much work (no where to keep blender out, heavy to move, annoying to clean) so I stopped. I got a NutriBullet for Christmas, too. I LOVE it!

    What I've done, both with the blender and bullet is:
    1. Weigh EVERYTHING so I can keep the calories at my calorie goal for that meal.
    2. Make at least half of the smoothie veggies.
    3. Make sure there is a good amount of protein (Greek yogurt, nut butters, nuts and seeds, almond milk). But, these can easily add tons of calories, so I weigh carefully.
    4. Prep ingredients. Weighing and logging everything takes time, so I either make pre-measured veggie/fruit packs for the freezer or measure my planned smoothie ingredients the night before. Then, I can just dump the frozen, refrigerated, and room-temp stuff and blend and be out the door in about a minute.
    5. Mix it up. I have a very full Pinterest board with healthy smoothie recipes. I've also blended beans, veggies, and broth, then heated it for soup!

    My smoothies are tasty (minus a few clunkers! Lol!), quick, and very filling. So far, I've been less hungry during the day and it has been easier to take smaller portions at non-smoothie meals.

    That's my experience. YMMV. Good luck!

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi I received a nutribullet for Christmas. I am now replacing two meals a day with a liquid diet of fresh nuts, vegetables, fruits and grains. I am sticking to a low carb diet. I have 90 lbs to lose. Has anyone tried this before?

    I've tried low carb, I've tried meal replacements, I've tried supplements......the list goes on and on. But here I am.

    No more! - Now it's just lifestyle changes for me. I will measure portions and log "real food." The problem with temporary changes....the weight loss is temporary too. Meal replacements don't give you the tools needed to keep the weight from creeping back up.

    Good luck.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    the thing about shakes is it doesn't teach you how to eat for maintenance should you ever even reach it using shakes. so, assume you DO lose 90 9or any amount, really). great. youll gain it all back as youve not learned how to monitor your intake.

    and i like to eat my food.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I use protein shakes when, for whatever reason, I haven't been hitting my calorie intake for a few days and just want something easy. I have a quality protein powder n standby. But the longer I do this, the fewer calories I have to play with and the lower my burns naturally become from workouts then the less I need the shakes. Haven't had one in ages in fact! I prefer eating really.