Christmas time struggles

Happy holidays to all!
Who else here is struggling to keep on track during the constant food in face reality of this festive time of year?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It's not even xmas eve yet and I just ate a giant turkey, turkey bacon, avocado, and cheese hoagie. I'm about to eat a cinnamon bun and I'll probably have popcorn too. I can't even deal right now. Don't care.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I am pretty vigilant for 51 or so weeks but this week, I'm having fun!!
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Struggling :s
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    Yep xmas eve here down under and am already 4 vodka lime and soda's down and am hungry
  • jswigart
    jswigart Posts: 167 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm taking today and tomorrow off from trying to loose. Going to enjoy the wonderful foods, then back to it.
  • smiling_stephie
    smiling_stephie Posts: 7 Member
    Happy New Years all!
    Omg still trying to get back on the wagon. Will also try and do the boot camp program they have at work 2x week. Any resolutions?
  • amynb524
    amynb524 Posts: 73 Member
    I had lost over 80 lbs in 2015 and I gained almost 10 back due to holidays.
    I'm having a hard time getting back into my groove of weight loss- as I have 15-20 lbs left to go :/
  • smiling_stephie
    smiling_stephie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi amynb! Awesome job first off! I was able to lose over 60 myself! Last year I went on a cruise and gained ocer 5 lbs in a week due to the eating. Once I got back home and started being more serious with my eating it left pretty quickly. I think we beed to keep thinking and encouraging ourselves that we did a ton of progress this past year. That if we continue with our current eating habits, do we really want to go back? I know I sure don't!! Eating crazily this past month has brought back some of my previous bad habits. It may take a while to shake off but I will eventually. So will you! If ever you need encouragement, write me anytime! Heading back to normal work week as of tomorrow, so it should surely help to get somewhat of a routine back! Best, steph
  • reachingunder120
    reachingunder120 Posts: 21 Member
    It's hard to get back on track mentally after the holidays. At least for me. Today is still a holiday for me because my family is celebrating late this year - or rather last year I guess. I'm sleep deprived and exhausted. Will be so glad to be home and back at work/normal routine tomorrow
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    We have lost it once and we can lose the holiday pounds again. Personally I have to get over the mindset that "well ... its just one chocolate/mince pie/scoop of dip, etc.". I need to toss out the excuses and get back on track using how pleased I was with the way my pants fit, and how flat my stomach was getting as the carrot and stick.
  • smiling_stephie
    smiling_stephie Posts: 7 Member
    Bingo jelaan!! That's how I started my whole eating fiasco! I started emotional eating a few years back and finally managed to get on track and lose. Now i have to be honest with myself because I know one bite or scoop or whatnot eventually turns to two, three...
    I need hobbies lol
  • smiling_stephie
    smiling_stephie Posts: 7 Member
    Wishing everybody a good day back to work! Let's stay strong! :D