7wk menu??

Looking for help with a weekly menu..
Breakfast, lunch and dinner.. i really wana lose the weight.. i have a goal of 80lbs.. HELP!!


  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    You can make one yourself, just make sure it fits your calorie goal. For food ideas, I would look at the recipes forums.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    My Fitness Pal has a recipe blog: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/category/eat/recipes/main-dishes/

    Try new dishes. When you find one you like, you can make it in a triple batch so you can freeze parts to eat on days you do not choose to cook. :)
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    why 7 weeks...
    just curious.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    7 weeks or 7 days? 80 pounds to lose, or is that your goal weight? Any dietary requirements?
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    It's not really something someone else should be doing for you. Here's how you can create your own:

    1. Set up a reasonable calorie goal for yourself. Plug stats into MFP and let it do its magic. Don't be too aggressive - stick to 1% or less of your body weight per week.
    2. Decide how you personally prefer your meals. I like big dinners and I'm fine with no/small breakfast and lunch, as I am most hungry in the evenings. Figure what works for you.
    3. Find foods you like and that you personally find filling. I do a lot of tacos, chicken, and spaghetti as I find all of those very sating. I try to make one very sating food the core of my big meal, and of course, I vary my foods so I don't get bored of them.
    4. Fill in the rest of the core meal with things that go with it.
    5. Now, fill in your smaller meals, so that you stay under your calorie goal for the day. Tweak things as necessary for the macro/micro nutrients you personally care about. For me, I just care about calories and protein.
    6. Leave a bit of wiggle room for snacking, particularly if you like to snack. I leave about 250 calories set aside for this.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    It's not really something someone else should be doing for you. Here's how you can create your own:

    1. Set up a reasonable calorie goal for yourself. Plug stats into MFP and let it do its magic. Don't be too aggressive - stick to 1% or less of your body weight per week.
    2. Decide how you personally prefer your meals. I like big dinners and I'm fine with no/small breakfast and lunch, as I am most hungry in the evenings. Figure what works for you.
    3. Find foods you like and that you personally find filling. I do a lot of tacos, chicken, and spaghetti as I find all of those very sating. I try to make one very sating food the core of my big meal, and of course, I vary my foods so I don't get bored of them.
    4. Fill in the rest of the core meal with things that go with it.
    5. Now, fill in your smaller meals, so that you stay under your calorie goal for the day. Tweak things as necessary for the macro/micro nutrients you personally care about. For me, I just care about calories and protein.
    6. Leave a bit of wiggle room for snacking, particularly if you like to snack. I leave about 250 calories set aside for this.


    That's asking a lot of someone to do for you for free but the above advice was great for getting you to teach yourself how to do it.

    But if you really want someone to do it all for you, there are likely nutritionists in your area or online that can do it for you if you are willing to pay them for their time and effort.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I just prelog 2 weeks at a time.Move things around til they fit.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    First, figure out your calorie goal based on your height, weight and activity level. We aren't all eating the same number of calories to lose 80 lbs so just saying you want to lose 80 lbs is not enough information to base a plan on.
    You can actually eat any food you want as long as it fits your calorie goal to lose weight. You have to divide up those calories in a way that works best for you. I could tell you to eat 200 calories for breakfast and maybe you would hate that because you like bigger breakfasts.
    You can find free sample menus on the internet. Just search for whatever calorie meal plan. You can also search the internet for recipes/meals that are a certain number of calories. You can look at food diaries of people with the same calorie goal to get ideas too.

    I did not drastically change my diet just changed portion sizes. That has been very easy and sustainable for me.
    I pre-log my whole day every morning and that has been most helpful in making sure that I stick to my calorie goal but also get enough protein and watch my sodium. Those are the things that I care about.
  • LadyBugg1231
    LadyBugg1231 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you..
    rankinsect wrote: »
    It's not really something someone else should be doing for you. Here's how you can create your own:

    1. Set up a reasonable calorie goal for yourself. Plug stats into MFP and let it do its magic. Don't be too aggressive - stick to 1% or less of your body weight per week.
    2. Decide how you personally prefer your meals. I like big dinners and I'm fine with no/small breakfast and lunch, as I am most hungry in the evenings. Figure what works for you.
    3. Find foods you like and that you personally find filling. I do a lot of tacos, chicken, and spaghetti as I find all of those very sating. I try to make one very sating food the core of my big meal, and of course, I vary my foods so I don't get bored of them.
    4. Fill in the rest of the core meal with things that go with it.
    5. Now, fill in your smaller meals, so that you stay under your calorie goal for the day. Tweak things as necessary for the macro/micro nutrients you personally care about. For me, I just care about calories and protein.
    6. Leave a bit of wiggle room for snacking, particularly if you like to snack. I leave about 250 calories set aside for this.

  • LadyBugg1231
    LadyBugg1231 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you All! Appreciate the feedback