Looking for One Accountability Partner

I am seeking one motivated, committed individual who wishes to partner with me in supporting one another achieve our health and fitness goals. The structure I desire to create is pretty straightforward and outlined below. Please send me a direct message if you wish to connect as accountability partners and if you feel this structure could be beneficial to your success.

1- Start off by sharing all we desire to achieve for our long term goals. What will we be working towards?
2- Select a time period for our collaboration that coincides with what we wish to accomplish.
3- Each week we connect once a week through email/calls with 2-3 main diet/fitness goals for the week ahead and give a brief update on how we did with the 2-3 diet/fitness goals from the previous week. These smaller weekly goals will support what we ultimately want to accomplish.
4- Follow up 1-2 times a week through email, text or brief phone calls for support, encouragement and progress updates.

I do use MyFitnessPal as a tool for logging my food and exercise, however I wish to have a partner that is interested in being more interactive than just being friends with one another through this app. If this is also what you desire, then please send me a message.

Good luck to everyone!



  • NodRawr
    NodRawr Posts: 2 Member

    Did you find someone yet? I'm looking for somebody with this very structure in mind.
  • foxescheer07
    foxescheer07 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'd love to kick some *kitten* together :)
  • brunnerlc12
    brunnerlc12 Posts: 14 Member
    Same! :) If you've already found a partner, has anyone else in the thread? I'm game. :) PM me if you want!
  • TiffanyBeckett
    TiffanyBeckett Posts: 173 Member
    I am game for this too! If anyone is interest feel free to message me! It would b good if we have the same goals also I am looking to lose around 20 lbs. I am a stay at home mom of two!
  • UnicornAmanda1
    UnicornAmanda1 Posts: 56 Member
    I am looking for the same!! If you havent already found someone, feel free to shoot me a message. Or if you have, if someone else would like to be my partner
  • mrskezner
    mrskezner Posts: 5 Member
    Same here ladies! If anyone needs a partner, please reach out. I would love to chat/email/text, whatever to someone who is serious. I have a good 80 lbs left to go, but I am loving every minute of it!
  • UnicornAmanda1
    UnicornAmanda1 Posts: 56 Member
    I am game for this too! If anyone is interest feel free to message me! It would b good if we have the same goals also I am looking to lose around 20 lbs. I am a stay at home mom of two!

    I am also a stay at home mom to two! I have a five year old son and a 7 month old
    girl. Add me (or anyone else) if you would like to be my partner(s)!!
  • javacathy
    javacathy Posts: 1 Member
    I am 51, travel a lot for business, live in Alberta CAN, just got a new rowing machine that I intend to use regularly in addition to weights/plyometrics/gravity/barre/TRX workouts (when I'm home). Have 1 daughter off at college and a husband that doesn't need to do anything to stay lean and fit (annoying, yes!) I need to lose 20-25 pounds, preferably the majority of which I will lose in the 1Q so that I can wear that new swimsuit in Mexico when we meet my daughter for Spring Break. I would love a partner to motivate me and keep me accountable, so if your goals are compatible with mine, please reach out! My goals for 2016:

    By Mar 11 - lose at least 1 lb per week
    By June 5 - reach 145 lbs
    Every week - row for at least 1/2 hour at least 3X per week
    Every week - gym workout for at least 45 mins at least 1X per week
    Reduce alcoholic beverages (including wine!) during the week (1 glass of wine with business dinners okay)
    Stay within weekly calorie goals by logging 100% of meals
    Meditate at least 1x per day for 15 minutes
    Restart 1/2-full day hiking 1x per month once snow clears in Canadian Rockies (Jun-Oct)
    Ski 1x per month during winter months (Jan-Apr)
    Sign up for some type of fitness challenge for charity in Nov-Dec and DO IT!
    Cook more/eat out less

  • TiffanyBeckett
    TiffanyBeckett Posts: 173 Member
    I sent you a friend request!
    I am game for this too! If anyone is interest feel free to message me! It would b good if we have the same goals also I am looking to lose around 20 lbs. I am a stay at home mom of two!

    I am also a stay at home mom to two! I have a five year old son and a 7 month old
    girl. Add me (or anyone else) if you would like to be my partner(s)!!

  • WJDK
    WJDK Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to have this as well. Anyone else who hasn't found a partner interested?
  • tati85cr
    tati85cr Posts: 21 Member
    Same here. If anyone wants to be my partner, feel free to message me
  • sdash07
    sdash07 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi- I am interested in an accountability buddy for weight loss, looking to lose 25lbs (2 sizes.) I have a Fitbit, I walk about 10-14K a day. I will also be taking spin classes (2-4x) a week if I'm lucky. Will also be making food shifts slowly - more veggies, less sugar, smaller portions, juicing. Have lost 28lbs. I like the structure here, will work with anyone not paired yet. -s :smile:
  • a_brooklyn_girl
    a_brooklyn_girl Posts: 7 Member
    I have found someone to work with, but it looks like there are numerous opportunities for everyone to connect with a partner here. Best of luck to you all on your health adventures!
  • gigialam
    gigialam Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm 27 married with no kids, looking to lose 60 pounds, 1 down 59 to go! If anyone is still looking for an accountability buddy please message me!