Trying my best

Hi everyone I'm really trying my best to lose weight so far I have managed to lose 5lb since the 18th December and I'm so happy. All in all I have 2st7 to lose to make me a happy girl! ;) my problem is when I step on the scales and either see no change of very little it disheartens me :( anyone have any tips for me xx


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    It's the trend over time that matters, not what you weigh on any particular morning. Water weight varies up and down to mask fat loss.

    As long as you stick to your calorie deficit and are losing weight month-to-month, you are losing weight.

    Don't give the scale any power over how you are feeling.
  • fat2fitaddict
    fat2fitaddict Posts: 90 Member
    You have to throw that scale out the window. We are a society that are addicted to the scale. Instead, track inches. Want to know a fix...try to gain weight! Yes, you heard that right..gain weight...but GOOD weight..muscle! muscle weighs more than fat. So, focus on building some muscle through will more than likely find that while trying to gain muscle will lose weight. it's reverse psychology.
  • LynchusDaVincus
    LynchusDaVincus Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, try not to be disheartened. I recently moved house and have no idea where my scales went, but I can feel the weight that has been lost in terms of being 'lighter' and generally healthier. Some people find it better to take photos, showing before and after, it's nice to have a visual cue to glance at when you feel down. It can either serve to make you think 'nope, I refuse to look like that' or 'I have come a long way, yay me' :smile:
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited January 2016
    muscle weighs more than fat
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat and a pound of gold and a pound of feathers each weigh one pound. Muscle is more dense than fat so that your overall measurements should be smaller at the same weight because the muscle takes up less room in your body than fat.