surviving breast cancer and needing to lose 40 lbs

Hi im deb and i was diagnosed with breast cancer in oct. Had surgery and i am doing radiation now. I have two month left off work i really need to use this time to get my act together. 3 drs have told me i need to lose over 40 lbs. I dont have alot of support at hm with good food and exercising. So anyone who wants to be friends hit me up i need accountability


  • janferguson927
    janferguson927 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Deb! I'm Jan. I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in October 2013. It came close to killing me and I was down to 115 lbs (which is SKINNY for me) when I was put in the hospital. Since then, I've completed a year of chemo and have been in remission for a year. During that time, I put on a lot of weight. I now need to lose about 65-70 lbs to be in the healthy range again. I totally get your dilemma and will be more than happy to be your friend and accountability partner. I hope my story of remission gives you some hope also!
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi Deb, I too am a breast cancer survivor. Diagnosed in July 2014. Feel free to add me. I can vouch that regular exercise and losing the extra weight has really helped curb the side effects of treatment. You can do this!
  • tazbear1989
    tazbear1989 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone. I was dx May 2015 and had my bilateral mastectomy, chemo and just finished radiation. I need to lose abuot 150 lbs and that includes the 25 I gained during chemo. If any of you would like to be friends, it would help. I will be going on hormone inhibitors and need all the support I can get.
  • AudreysMommy2014
    AudreysMommy2014 Posts: 10 Member
    I was diagnosed with TNBC late last year. I've had chemotherapy, surgery and am starting radiation later today. Feel free to send me a friend request so that we can support each other.