Lots to lose and frustrated

Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer. I have been battling my weight and my self esteem since I've been 15 years old. I am now 40 years old and I don't want to live the second half of my life the same way. I weigh 249 pounds right now and would like to lose 50 pounds. I do not want to quit this time! I have quit so many times in the past. My highest weight was 289 pounds and I got myself down to 250 and I have been staying there since. I hope to find help and support to finally achieve my goal. My problem is I want to lose it in one week! I know that is not possible and I need the support to be reminded of that. It took months to put it on, it's going to take months to take it off. I had myself down to 217 pounds. I was 17 pounds away from my goal and now I'm 50 pounds away!! This is where I get my frustrated and down in myself.

Joining this, I hope to find the support I need.


  • The_Pace
    The_Pace Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Jennifer,
    You are not alone. I was having exactly the same conversation with myself last night. I too want to think I can take it off overnight. Hey, I have stayed within my calories the last 2 days and exceeded my step goal so I should at least see 10lbs drop off by tomorrow, right? lol Had to remind myself the same things. It didn't come on overnight (even if it feels like it did) and it will take time to take it off too. Patience is not my strong suit.

    This struck such a nerve with me it is my first ever post on the boards!

    Good luck to botth of us. We just need to stick with it!

  • Slinn1985
    Slinn1985 Posts: 58 Member

    Just remember these magical words.


    Slow and steady, learn new things about your body and your diet.

    Take it one day at a time, you will fall off every now and then.

    Enjoy the little things, don't cut out the bad totally. Nobody ever got fat off one pizza.

    Good luck :smile:
  • FitFabJenny
    FitFabJenny Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome, Jennifer! I fully understand your frustration, just try to remember that you didn't put the weight on overnight so it's not going to come off overnight! I find that having a support system on here is a HUGE help in me staying on track so feel free to add me. Try not to focus on the numbers, focus on how you feel and how your body changes as you get stronger and slimmer. Good luck! :)
  • bigskyreality
    bigskyreality Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jennifer, I am right with you. I am about the same age and about your starting weight. I keep telling myself I don't look so bad for having six kids, but again that's only an excuse. Here's what I now work towards. I want to be healthy and set an example for my kids. I want to have energy to do whatever I want to do. It is o.k to take time for myself and in fact I did this more when my children were younger but somewhere somehow I lost myself. There is no better time than now and no one else can do if for me. It will take time, it will take work, it will take discipline, but I can do it, you can do it! Here is to 2016 and then new women we are working to be!! Go for it and good luck.
  • luvme02
    luvme02 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks! That made alot of sense! That is what I want. I don't want to be a model, I want to be healthy for my kids! My mother died of complications from having diabetes because of being overweight. I don't want to go down that same road. Good luck to you too! We can do this! J
  • jbl1
    jbl1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, Jennifer. I have been down that same road so many times, myself. I am currently in the secondary goal of my fitness goals. I have (4) overall, and I think it is incredibly important to give yourself smaller, obtainable goals to reach and then re-evaluate and continue on the journey. To give you a point of reference, I have lost 52lbs since starting my journey back in October 8, 2015. Additionally, I have learned, and I think this is very much the key to the entire endeavor, that this is a LIFESTYLE and NUTRITIONAL shift that you will have to go through, and never look back. It can't be a 'diet" to achieve your goals, and then back to your old lifestyle. Everything has to change, and forever. the good news is that is is very 'doable" as I have proven to myself over the last 3 months. I have dropped 6 inches on my waist and two shirt sizes. I did this by strictly following the "myfitnesspal" app recommendations for all nutrients, and eating real, organic, healthy foods. I didn't start even exercising until the middle of December, because I wanted to see what simply changing my eating habits, portions, and caloric intake would do.... IT DOES A TON!! If a 48yr old busy IT Engineer who swelled to 400lbs after a bad knee injury can do it, you can definitely kill this! Everyone's motivations are different, but you just have to really commit to the lifestyle change and never look back.

    the incredible bonuses for sticking with it: AMAZING energy levels just from giving your body what it needs instead of garbage, increased focus, great mood boost, and increased libido. I went from constantly tired to always moving. and adding in the worksouts since Mid- December have only helped the process and rebuilt muscles, balance, and posture.

    Good Luck! you can do this!!!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Hi Jennifer, you're in the right place. I've found so much support on MFP that it's really made a difference. I've kept off 54 lbs, and look forward to losing more. Give yourself a pat on the back for the weight you've kept off. Congratulations on keeping 40 lbs off. That's a major accomplishment. I'm also working on losing more & I understand getting close to the goal and then having to re-start. It's frustrating, but you can do it. (I plan to, also!). Happy New Year!
  • Mnoel93
    Mnoel93 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Jennifer! Just saw your post and I wanted to tell you that I am going through the same battle. I'm here to encourage you if you need it.
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    Erase the word "diet" from your vocabulary and substitute "way of life" - I lost 36 pounds last year in about 9 months with moderate exercise and a low carb diet (per my doctor's instructions) NOT no-carb!! - I try to keep my calories within 1200-1500 calories per day, but don't obsess if I am over that amount or have too many carbs on a given day. (I'm trying to prevent becoming a diabetic) I stay away from highly processed foods, sugar, excessive dairy products which I no longer tolerate well and try to keep my food choices "clean"...I also read (and continue to read) many books on nutrition in addition to low carb, that included Gary Taubes, Dr. Hyman, Dr. Furhmann (Nutritarian) and others. (It can get confusing because you have so many different opinions) - Try not to let yourself feel too hungry or deprived. Believe in yourself. You can and will do this. Make sure you have had a physical and/or seen your doctor before embarking on any radical changes in your lifestyle. If you need a group environment for support, consider weight watchers, to at least get started on this new path - if that doesn't work, try something else. This is life long...My "success" came from the support of others on MFP including those in the specialty forums. I took a break October - December (too many temptations over the holidays) but was able to maintaind my weight within a 5-pound range, and am now ready to get more weight off - another 30 pounds at least and to amp up the exercise. Eventually you too will find your way and be amazed at what you have accomplished.