Jillian Michaels-Shred It With Weights-anyone do this? Resul

I am just starting the Jillian Michaels Shred It With Weights - wondering what kind of results people have had with this? I purchased her kettlebell set of 5, 10 & 15# . I'm starting with the 5 just to see where I am.

I would love any feedback if you have used this DVD. What you liked and what you didn't. :flowerforyou:


  • Didnt know she did this......Is it just called shred it with weights..........
  • asmt1010
    asmt1010 Posts: 7
    I've never done the program thru Jillian Michaels but I've been doing Chalean Extreme which is also a program that uses lots of weight training. I also do cardio 2X a wk thur the video's and then do another day of running on my own. Using weights and toning your muscles really helps to take off pounds. Just stick with it because you'll find yourself gaining a bit at first as you build your muscle and then it seems to just melt away after a couple weeks. (sorry if this is unhelpful since you asked about that specific program...)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    ive done it a couple times. Its a decent workout but she never shuts up and i found that irritating. However it gave a nice calorie burn for a short amount of time. I think around 300 burned in less than 30 mins
  • Yes...you can do an internet search - I found it on EBAY for around $7 new. It is called "Shred It With Weights"
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    I haven't used it myself, but it averages 4 stars on amazon. Maybe be a little careful though. At least one person warns that her form is wrong for some of the exercises and could cause injury.
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    I just started this and I am 2 days in. I can definitely feel it working, My arms and legs are sore. I agree though that she doesn't stop talking so after the first time I turn the volume down and just do the exercises. I use the 5lb weights.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I have it and love it!! Not sure why people say her form is wrong cause I have nother Kettlebell DVD and it has the same moves............with the same form
  • I love her, not her voice specifically, but the way she motivates you....Like on the last 3 etc etc. It always makes me work harder to get that extra rep....but I did bust my right hand yesterday on L3 30 DS.....
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Honestly, I've never actually listened to her voice!
    I always unplug the Audio from my tv, and plug in the audio from another player that has a CD in.
    So I get to listen to rock music while working out with Jillian. :D
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I really want to do it but can't find a Region 2 DVD :sad:
  • I like Shred it with Weights more than 30DS...when I first initially did the DVD I lost about 4lbs. in one week...which scared me! :noway: So I stopped for awhile...but I started it up again this week. As others said she allows me...so volume down...and ipod on! Just be sure to have great form because you can ruin your back muscles if you throw it the wrong way...also I use a 10 lb. kettlebell.
  • My 11 year old daughter and I did it last night and it was a great burn! We were both sweating. I started out with a 5# kettlebell and she's using a 3# free weight. She is a gymnast and in really great shape for almost 12. Hoping to keep her that way after she hits puberty...;) I took my measurements and will continue with this for at least 30 days to see where I go from here.

    I found it to be very motivating and I think she demonstrated the correct form very well and really emphasizes using that to prevent injury. We watched some of the other segments on the DVD which showed in detail the different kettlebell moves and correct form from different angles. It was worth the extra few minutes. All in all I say A+ :bigsmile:
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    thought i'd bump this as i just bought it too

    managed to change my laptop to region 2 but i can only do that 4 times so now ill leave it on reg 2...watch all uk dvds on my tv and dvd and save us dvds for my laptop

    might do it after my warm up walk..exciting..i love kettlebells