
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
A friend from a site called the kill hannah kollective had joined this site. I decided that i would just go ahead and try it because i figure i have nothing else to lose. I am basically 21 years old and have been struggling with my weight for as long as i can remember. I have always tried to diet and exercise but once i get on to it i some how or another loose interst or become to busy. I just started my new job at a call center and one of the things they told me was because of all that is going on i would gain 10-20 lbs. Sure enough since i started working there i have gained about 10 lbs and its been about 6 months from starting. I keep trying to get myself motivated to loose the weight. I really want to be healthy and actually look great instead of looking horrible all the time. I guess i have had enough with my weight and i want to loose the weight. Sadly i have learned i only eat like 2 times a day because i get up late and hurry up and eat little then i always eat on my lunch.


  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    If you dedicate yourself to this site, it will work wonders for you! Promise!
  • Awesome and i am going to try and dedicate myself as much as i can...lol even have the app on my phone
  • I am totally addicted!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • beautifullievengen - You got this! :smile: Us KHK sisters can support each other also! :heart:

    When people start at my job (Medical Billing Company) I usually tell them also that it's kind of like the "Freshmen 15", basically they could end up putting on a few pounds after starting at our job. We have a sit down job & lots of food around..Birthday cakes, potlucks, etc.

    However, I do believe strongly that a lot of trying to lose weight is "Mind over matter". We just have to convince ourselves that feeling better & being healthy is much better than having a piece of that birthday cake with the other employees. :) I really love this site & it has really given me the push I needed. I wish you the very best of luck!! :happy:
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