Baby steps

Well, here I am again... unhappy with myself and needing motivation. I had a huge streak going with MFP and was losing weight steadily. Then, the streak stopped and i became P.O'ed with myself. Well, that is all going to change starting today. I am a emotional eater, whether happy or sad. That is just how I am, which turned into a "whole lot of me" to go around. Anyway, I love My Fitness Pal because I can talk about this and know that someone, somewhere knows EXACTLY what I am going through. My goal, first and foremost, is to be able to look into a mirror and be happy. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean me getting down to 150 pounds. That means me, looking in the mirror and not being completely disgusted with my looks. I used to play tennis and be all cute in high school ( yeah, 16+ years ago) and, I didn't think a whole lot of my habits changed as far as eating went. Apparently they have. I have been tested to thyroid problems and what not... its just I love food. I love to cook, I love to cook for crowds and I love to cook old family recipes. We are talking old Polish and Hungarian recipes... yup 100% carbs.

So, this is where I am going to start. I am going to portion out foods. I love the little $1.00 Michelina's Lean Gourmet dinners and they taste good. Yes, I know... processed food is bad for you. Well, I figure if I start by eating things lower in calories and portion size, that is an amazing first step. I am going to eat more fruits and veggies. I love that veggies are just as good frozen as fresh and, being November in Michigan, that will have to be my go to. I will plan out my meals week by week so, when I come home from work, I can't use the excuse that I don't have the right ingredients to make something and then order take out. I am going to start doing some type of physical activity. I don't care if it is climbing the stairs 5 times after dinner or doing 10 sit ups... it is still more activity than I currently do so it is an improvement. I have stopped drinking pop/soda already and lost significant weight doing so but now, I have since replaced those calories with more food. Ridiculous.

1. Get at least 60 grams of protein per day.
2. Portion control!
3. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day (I already do that, just want to keep it on the list)
4. Do a minimum of 10 minutes of exercise a day.
5. Make weekly meal plans
6. Start liking myself again.

I look forward to anyone that wants to add me as a friend. The more motivation and help, then better off we all will be. I will try and log on every day so I become accountable.


  • douglasrl
    douglasrl Posts: 12 Member
    Sent friend request. I read your Bio, I also want to ride roller coasters again. My goal is to be able to go to Universal Florida in September and ride all the rides.
  • sugarskullbaby12
    yes please send a friend request to me as well new to my fitness pal .com .... I have a lot of weight to lose . its time I be truthful with myself ..I mean like over 100lbs weight I do realize this will take some time like a year + .....I hope not but I think it will stilling needing tips on self motivating thanks ♥
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    I log everyday. I give good support to those that need it. My diary is open. I keep it real and don't like excuses. Please don't mistake my honesty for harshness. Sometimes they go hand in hand though. Please feel free to add me if you like. I started out with a hundred pound goal as well. Down to the last 15 and they're kicking my *kitten*. Failure is not part of my vocabulary. Good luck on your journey
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    girl I went from 130 or so pounds to 265 and i almost died to death. Please believe the first thing you gott alet go of is that mindset that you cant do this unless you are motivated to. Forget that and jump in with a plan. a Plan can be magic and you look like you've got one - so tackle that beast!
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    I log every day, and try to keep it honest. I allow myself junk, as treats, and account for it. My diary is open to friends.
  • clandrum1984
    clandrum1984 Posts: 94 Member
    I am starting over in this journey and looking for motivation and support as well. Feel free to add me!
  • svelte32
    svelte32 Posts: 77 Member
    cuddlesmom like to add you I'm baby steps also and feeling optimistic trying to stay that way no matter how rocky the road gets.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    popping back in to check on you and see how you're doing!
  • cuddlesmom17
    cuddlesmom17 Posts: 12 Member
    Well, its been a long time but I'm back. New year, new me. Yup, totally cliche but it is what it is. Me and hubby have both fallen off the wagon and now its time to get back on.