DAY 1: Hmm, haven't even had dinner and already over intake!

One day at a time!


  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You have to pace yourself. Try to plan your meals.
  • MuchoGusto
    MuchoGusto Posts: 18 Member
    Make sure you drink your 8 glasses of water! It might be hard at first but you'll find you'll eat less. You'll figure it out! Good luck!:happy:
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    That means you are now learning how many calories are in the foods you normally eat. Awareness is HUGE in starting this journey! Don't worry about it - this is Day 1. There is a bit of a learning curve but it gets much easier pretty quickly.

    Just keep going. You will do great.
  • meldevoy
    meldevoy Posts: 5
    lol! I can relate. I've never counted calories before, so my first week was a bit of a shock just finding out what some foods "cost" calorie-wise!
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    That means you are now learning how many calories are in the foods you normally eat. Awareness is HUGE in starting this journey! Don't worry about it - this is Day 1. There is a bit of a learning curve but it gets much easier pretty quickly.

    Just keep going. You will do great.

    well said~and soo true!
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Make sure that you have your calories set properly. I had to customize mine as there was no way I could survive on what the auto program set me at. There are many articles online about the proper way to determine your daily caloric needs and then to further break it down into your correct macro needs. It's worth the time invested to check this out.
  • ertrauma
    ertrauma Posts: 46 Member
    I think that's happened to a lot of us, myself included. Haven't done a diet journal in a very, very long time and the first few days were eye opening, to say the least.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    My biggest problem is snacking... It wasn't until I was entering it in and seeing the number rise swiftly, that I realized all the little snacks and bites add up! It's defintiely an eye-opening experience. Good luck, and know a lot of us are in the same boat... onto Day 3 for me. :)
  • Lovelystrumpet
    Do some extra exercise to burn it off before dinner if you feel bad, but as the others have said, it's only Day 1 and you have to learn before you can get it right! The first day I went on the 1200 cal per day regime recommended on here, I'd had it all by lunchtime, and looking at the foods I used to eat, 1200 cals would be no way enough for a day in terms of volume. This is where nutrition and healthy choices comes in, you soon get used to picking and eating foods that are low calorie but high density, so you can eat enough to be full and not go over the limit. Stuff like fish, raw veg, low fat yogurts, portion controlled cereal bars, soups etc.

    Good luck!