ahhh!! Not Loosing!!!

I count my cals, I take a day off once a week. I do my work out videos and areobics in the pool, and Im not loosing. I take my vitamins, and supplements. I drink 75 oz at least of water a day, and skip sodas and junk food! What the hell is wrong with me? If I am doing everything right, why do i not see any number but 206-209! I have been this weight for the last 2 months..


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Have you thought about cutting out your "off day"?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Are you currently eating your exercise calories? If not, try it. You're not loosing anyway.

    If yes, try eating less of them, IE if you're using MFP's calorie burn estimates eat only half the calories.

    if you're on a Heart Rate Monitor or bodybugg system then your burn is more accurate than MFPs estimates.

    What does your diet consist of? diary is closed (maybe open to friends?) so no real recommendations there but check your sodium levels, if you're eating "diet" branded foods do more home-cooking and skip the prepared meals. Check your macro-nutrient ratios, maybe you need more protein / less carbs... eat healthy fats, I opt for whole fat choices rather than low-fat or fat free varieties.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Depends what the "off day" is... if it's a day off exercising to recuperate, don't give it up! If it's a day off of tracking that you eat free-for-all, yeah look at giving it up.
  • lalalalyndsey
    Yeah maybe try cutting out that off day. Also, do you have your goals set to losing 1 lb a week or 2? If it is at 2, you may want to change it to 1... I've seen that a lot of ppl change their goals to 1 and end up losing more. You may want to try that?

    Wish you the best of luck!
  • jessilea53
    jessilea53 Posts: 87 Member
    Youve probably hit a plateau sweetie. Theres alot of different ways I have heard how to break it, but Ive always just upped my calories by like 500 for 3-4 days then back down again to jump start my metabolism. Its always worked for me. Spice up your work outs also can help. Maybe you need a lil more protein or carbs or less sodium...

    If you want/can, make your diary public so people can see it and make some recommendations. Ive read alot of threads on here w the same questions and the advice is unlimited when people know what youre eating.

    Hope you can get some answers and get that scale moving!

    BTW have you lost inches instead? Alot of people focus on the weight when they are actually losing inches instead which is just as great, if not better ;)

  • MuchoGusto
    MuchoGusto Posts: 18 Member
    I just broke through my plateau after about 4 months!!!! I know how you feel and it sucks! I started myfitnesspal to get out of mine because I was doing WW and I don't think it was giving me enough points. I have heard (haven't tried) that an apple a day will get you out of your plateau. Just keep faith.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    All those that posted above me have great advise and i'd say the same thing. I do want to say as someone said above that having a HRM makes a HUGE difference. Before my HRM I was going by what the machines were telling me or what MFP told me and it turned out to be way off. If you think you're burning more calories than you actually are then you'll eat more than what you should. That does no good. Make sure you get one with a chest strap like the Polar FT4 and above. I have an FT7 & love it.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    your nutritional choices will be the most important factor in losing weight. if you're up for it, consider opening your diary so we can identify trends. i agree with cutting out the off day. or at least, start off with having just one splurge meal, rather than one free day, every week or two.

    if you cook, do you use a kitchen scale? i love mine - it helps me be more accurate with my calorie estimates. i also love my heart rate monitor - it will be more accurate than MFP which tends to overestimate calories burned. maybe you're eating more than you realize, and burning fewer calories than you think. the quality of food matters too, such as watching refined carbs and sodium, preservatives, etc. varying your exercise routines so your body will continually be challenged could also be worth it.

    hope you'll see the scale go down in time!
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    -Make sure you are eating at the right times. Don't wait until you are starving to eat, your body will go to "starvation mode" and try to store as much as possible.
    -go see your physician. make sure to bring this up. so many things besides diet can make you gain weight: thryroid problems, insulin resistance, etc
    that's all what comes to mind. hope it helps
  • rickster1020
    Open up that diary so we can all take a gander :) I have done this and it helps me stay accountable (and yes, I did have a sausage and egg biscuit at McDonald's today and I'm ashamed of it, but it's shared to all my buddies and I'm working through it, lol)
  • jackiekjames
    I am struggling with the EXACT same issue..I thought I had broken through when I saw 200 and 201 this weekend but it was right back yesterday (206.8)and today (204). I am eating very healthy, rarely going over my calories and using an accurate HRM to track my workout calories. I am getting so frustrated simply because I am working so hard and not seeing any results. My diary is open. I did eat some things i don't usually yesterday and Monday night, but that shouldn't cause a 7 pound GAIN in 2 days!! :( Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    email me lordsfitness@aol.com can fix that