For those who have had the same responce as me

frando Posts: 583 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
For years my family have been telling me to loose wieght.

I came on here through a friend and he suggested I start off small on something like bike riding. It just so happend that my family had bought stationary indoor one whilst I had moved out, I had to move back in for reasons you don't want to know. So I thought to myself I'll use that.

For four days I did small sets of ten minutes so get back into excersie. Until my sister saw me. It became apprent that actually it wasn't the family's, it was my sisters and mothers (they had paid half and half); although my mother didn't mind me using it (since she hardly did) my sister didn't even want me touching it. It's a mixture of how accident prone I am and the fact the she thinks I am, and I quote from last night's disscussion, 'too ****ing chubby and you [me] will break it'. she has since removed the chair of the bike and hidden it.

Ok, so I'll use the Wii; Just Dance can make me sweaty! But the Wii has gone AWOL which is a bit worrying tbh. So I fought my fears of excersing in public and tested out the bikes in the garage. They're all ready for the scrap yard rather then the excersice yard shall we say.

After moping in my self pity for a bit I looked on the welcome screen, I'm not going to give up now. No way. So I popped over to I didn't realise how good the programmes were. So if like me you're finding it hard to do, either by embrassement of going outside of a general lack of tools youtube! Below is the link I found and is rather easy once you get going and burns around 170 cals for each ten minutes. There are loads more on there so look around if its not for you.

If I'm not giving up that easily I don't want you to either!


  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Good for you being so determined to achieve this. Is your sister overweight too? If so, she probably sees you losing weight as a threat. Prove her wrong - you can do this without her 'help'. We are here to help and support each other and listen to any crap life throws at us.

    You dont need her; you have us. :flowerforyou:
  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    Well done for not giving up and letting other people put you off! Keep it up hun, you're doing great.

  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    I think you should be proud of yourself, that despite the non support of your sister / family you still have the courage to push trough and do something!

    Well done!
  • Hello!

    I just want to say that I read this post and it's really inspired me. I think it's absolutely awful that you're facing such horrible treatment from your sister. It would be all too easy to give up there, but you didn't. You stuck with it, and you should be unbelievably proud of yourself.

    Would you like to be friends on here? I think we could all use someone as amazing as you on our friends list!

    I have a gym membership to an amazing gym, but with my kids I can only go when my husband goes (my eldest would be fine taking care of himself but my youngest is only 2 and requires supervision) and as we both work a LOT right now it's very difficult. I am headed to Youtube right now to find something :)

    Thanks so much for your tip, and good luck!
  • tkb1985
    tkb1985 Posts: 146 Member
    She removed the seat!?!? You can't be serious! :noway:

    Sounds to me like she LIKES being the skinny sister! (though I may be channeling my own skinny sibling)

    Good for you for not letting it stop you. Personally, I've been doing the 30 Day Shred to help lose and tone those excess pounds, and so far it's been great. I, like you, am not keen on public exercising, so I'm using workout DVDs & the Wii Fit until I feel a bit more comfortable.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me. We'll both be the skinny sister before too long!
  • RubyA2011
    RubyA2011 Posts: 66
    well your sister sounds like a selfish spoilt mare! i agree with the others that she probably feels threatened by your wanting to get fit & lose weight.

    Im also heading to you tube to see what i can find.

    Feel free to add dont seem to be getting much support from home (neither do i) sowe could support each other :flowerforyou:
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I think your sister has a touch of the "green eyed monster"!
    How sad!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Hi ,well done for not giving in ,your sister sounds like she could be jealous of your motivation/weight loss ,very childish to hide the seat ! Going to have a look at the links you put on ,thanks ,feel free to add me if you like :smile:
  • RubyA2011
    RubyA2011 Posts: 66
    Just to add ive just checked out you tube -- have been desperate to try zumba and guess what there is on there... cant wait to give it a go no idea why i hadnt thought of looking on there before!

    Thanks again :)
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    aww guys! thanks for being so supportive.

    she's always been the skinny daughter my parents wanted. i do love her but sometimes she does some really unloving things.

    i'm happy to take any and all friend requests, all for one and one for all!! :D
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    well your sister sounds like a selfish spoilt mare! i agree with the others that she probably feels threatened by your wanting to get fit & lose weight.

    Im also heading to you tube to see what i can find.

    Feel free to add dont seem to be getting much support from home (neither do i) sowe could support each other :flowerforyou:

    I 100% agree with this. It's so hard to eat right and exercise with support so I can only imagine how challenging it must be to have constant negativity putting a barrier around you. I will add you both if that's ok, I find that some positive encouragement on here really gives me a boost to keep moving forward :)
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I had about the same amount you had to lose and my sister's (one's lost a huge amount of weight, the other is still overweight) would never dream of hurting me like that. The day will probably come when she'll want to be close to you, maybe you'll be gracious enough to forgive her and love her even after she hurt you. I'm sorry she did though. But, it can be done, I have only 15 lbs to go and I feel great, so I KNOW you CAN do it!! Walks, runs, intervals,, or look up sparkpeople on youtube, shred (as another poster mentioned), using household items for weights- all of those are things you can do for free and without having to rely on your family's stuff (since they hoard it so). Good luck, feel free to add me. Like I said, I had 60 lbs to lose and if I can do it (I LOVE food :( ), Then you can do it!!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I am proud of you for not giving up! :flowerforyou:
  • Your sister sounds like a witch!!!

    well done for not giving up.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    ah i love food.

    what i've liked since i started this was to work out what i can make and work for me. like i made baked half butternut squash with rice in it :D i liked baked rice, i find it alot more filling and fluffy and tasty then boiled rice... plus it hardly ever sticks to the pot!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Well done for not rising to your sisters childish and selfish behaviour. Good for you to have kept going with your exercising.

    I too find workouts on youtube, when i get bored it's so easy to find another one! I've also discoverd interval training through there, i love it!
  • I know that feeling Fran, my sister is my opposite, petite, blonde skinny and pretty! so I just dont talk to ro see her ever :-D That makes me feel better! Also she is not a nice person!
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    I think shes jealous of you because your determined to lose wgt and she cant so she's taking it out on you

  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    What you just posted in my opinion is more inspirational then any amount of weight loss someone has posted on this site. You have shown that no matter what curves are thrown at you self pity isn't going to get you anywhere. You have to actively find ways to overcome it all to obtain whatever it is your are seeking. Life isn't always easy. Sometimes you have to fight for what you need.

    I commend you on your efforts and I wish you much success in your journey. Stay strong and stay focus.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    screw your people. They are haters. Just walk. When you lose weight and get gorgeous give them your behind to kiss.
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