Post here if you're looking for new MFP friends!



  • NJPhil
    NJPhil Posts: 45 Member
    Used MFP in the past, but was never a part of the community. Looking for some like minded people to support each other in our journey.
  • LHaller57
    LHaller57 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! 25 years old. My initial goal is to lose about 50 pounds, but my ultimate goal is around 100-ish. I have a toddler and I work full time. :) Add me!
  • mscott399
    mscott399 Posts: 4 Member
    New here, been gone for awhile but would love some additional support. So I can stop my backsliding and keep moving forward!!! Please feel free to add me...
  • brcummings123
    brcummings123 Posts: 4 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me. Back after a little break. Currently pregnant but trying to stay within a healthy weight gain so I can get back into in fast after baby is born in May! Would love some more support/friends!
  • MrsPull
    MrsPull Posts: 22 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm looking for active friends to help keep me motivated along the way! Add Me please :smiley:
    I also have a feel free to add me there!
  • joannbigham12
    joannbigham12 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me to the support system!!
  • James4784
    James4784 Posts: 24 Member
    Looking for friends too! I'm 31, 5'11" and currently 269lbs. Aiming to lose 50lbs but also strength training. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm doing the Spartan Super April and looking to reboot my physique again after taking last year off!
  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    Looking for more friends that like to post comments and provide actual support/motivation. I'll do the same.
  • David2788
    David2788 Posts: 94 Member
    Wasn't as good as I normally am in November and December due to lots of travelling and Christmas etc so need to get back on the healthy train.

    Always looking for more friends for motivation and support!
  • blamerockey
    blamerockey Posts: 9 Member
    Add me if you're active. .✊
  • Zecherach
    Zecherach Posts: 1 Member
    hey, I am starting out here with the new year and hope to find some people to support each other :smile:
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Hey! I've added a couple of people of this topic already but I'll be adding more soon, and anyone feel free to add me as I need the support - I lost weight a few years ago, successfully using MFP, and kept it off until the last few months and then I just have kinda spiralled. I'm in A positive and healthy mindset to achieve my goals!
  • Iggy585
    Iggy585 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm always up for more active friends. I'm back to hitting the gym five days a week after a hiatus for the holidays. It's not easy but it's oh so worth it!
  • Mamastark12
    Mamastark12 Posts: 10 Member
    I'd like new friends, starting over after baby number three and ready to get healthy! I'm not always accurate or active but I try!
  • charlyam22
    charlyam22 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey :) feel free to add me as a friend.. would love the support and encouragement and will be sure to give the support and encouragement you need right back! :#
  • Stacy2779
    Stacy2779 Posts: 10 Member
    I rejoined on Nov 11th and even through all the holiday slip ups, I finally lost my first 15lbs today! I could use some more people in my corner! I have a long way to go!
    KEEHN4N Posts: 1 Member
  • STenley513
    STenley513 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! Please add me!
  • jessikillah
    jessikillah Posts: 1 Member
    My first forum post! While I've technically been a member of MFP for a while, this is the first time I've seriously tried to use it to hopefully make lifestyle changes and lose weight. I'm hoping to lose 80 lbs. But also eat nutritious food and exercise for lifelong health. I'm interested to see what others eat to get enough protein in their diet without supplements.