Hi! Im sort of new

Hey there! I have been doing this for two weeks now and I am just now introducing myself. I decided to join this program to get rid of the weight I gained during my pregnancy. My daughter is now 2 and I realized that exercise is not enough. I really need to monitor my meals to loose these last 10 pounds. So here I am. 2 weeks into it and 2 pounds lighter. So far its going ok. I find myself guessing at how many calories I am burning when I exercise. I ordered a HRM to fix that problem though. Hopefully I will be more accurate with my exercise calories. Anyway, hope to hear from you sometime. Good luck with your goals!


  • luv2travel2010
    The exercise counter on this site is actually pretty good in terms of estimating calrie burn. Probably not as good as a HRM, but not too bad. Good luck on those last 10 lbs. I am still trying to lose my last 10 (and my son is 13 !)
  • matt_wysor
    matt_wysor Posts: 20
  • mummma
    mummma Posts: 402 Member
    welcome... ive been here 9 days... working off my baby weight too... only my babies are 4, 2 and 10 months and i have a whole lot more than 10 pounds to lose !!

    well done on your progress... good luck for the rest of your journey x