I (dis)like bike riders

I've noticed that whenever I ask a question in the name of being a 'biker' I kinda get answers with a bit of animosity.
I'm not a hardcore bike rider, tho' I ride my bike most days for fitness reasons not endurance.
Today a lady yelled (barked really) at me when I passed her by. I try to shout 'on your left' almost every time to not startle peolpe

Why are bikers such an easy target?


  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Same reason they hate motorcyclists. They don't like to share the road.
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    maybe it was that muddy puddle you rode through, drenching her!!! ;o)

    (just kidding xx)
  • seaybl24
    seaybl24 Posts: 9
    The one I use is "rider up". It usually startles people and they move. Just try to give them enough time to react is what i've found works the best.
  • standintherain
    I bike ride, but only as a hobby too and whenever I can, I stick to the sidewalk. It bugs me when some walking teens or another biker pass by me and nearly shove me into the grass, but I just recover and continue what I started.
  • rhiannon1979
    rhiannon1979 Posts: 166 Member
    I have no problem with bikers when they are on a trail and not a busy road at rush hour! What irritates me is when bikers are on a road and don't follow the rules of the road.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I've noticed that whenever I ask a question in the name of being a 'biker' I kinda get answers with a bit of animosity.
    I'm not a hardcore bike rider, tho' I ride my bike most days for fitness reasons not endurance.
    Today a lady yelled (barked really) at me when I passed her by. I try to shout 'on your left' almost every time to not startle peolpe

    Why are bikers such an easy target?

    Do you bike on the sidewalk? Here it is illegal to do that, we must ride on the road and follow all the rules that apply to automobiles. Or are you riding on pathways?
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I ride my bike 3 times a week to work, this morning, at a 4 stop corner, I slowed down almost stopping, went across, paused to figure out which way I was going this morning and this other cyclist came by and told me: "you know bikes should also do stops" (in a passive agressive manner while not doing his own stop) and all I could yell is: " Thank you for the info"
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    erickirb, I ride exclusively on bike trails. Sometimes I have to go on the road but I don't feel secure as many cars make a point of driving really close to me, yell or even stick a finger out the window.
  • DEgal99
    DEgal99 Posts: 100 Member
    I have no problem with bikers when they are on a trail and not a busy road at rush hour! What irritates me is when bikers are on a road and don't follow the rules of the road.

    This, this, this!

    Most of the bikers where I live don't understand that if you're riding on the road you have to stop at stop signs and red lights. And you have to yield when applicable and pay attention to the road.

    I love the bikers that understand and follow the rules though.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    I sometimes feel like the cars are almost trying to "punish" me for having the audacity to be on their road. Like big pick up trucks getting so close they nearly clip me with their mirrors when there's no traffic coming the other way. I dress in neon, wear a helmet, follow the rules, stay right of the fog line when practical, and signal. I live in the country and think it's asinine for me to rack my bike and d-r-i-v-e somewhere else to ride it. It's almost more dangerous in our parks with strollers, kids on training wheels, rollerbladers, and dogs on leashes sharing the paths. *rant over*
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I live on a road that has bike lanes on the side and there are ALWAYS people running/walking and biking. There are many marathoners, traithaletes, etc. that train around here. I have no problem with that but I frequently have to go into the other lane because bikers are riding outside of the designated bike lane (to ride beside each other and talk, etc.). That is what irritates me the most. They have bike lanes so I just wish they would use them. Not to mention it scares me every time because I am afraid they may come over more and I will hit them.

    Point is be respectful of the road just like motorists are expected to do. Then everyone can live in harmony. =)
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I live on a road that has bike lanes on the side and there are ALWAYS people running/walking and biking. There are many marathoners, traithaletes, etc. that train around here. I have no problem with that but I frequently have to go into the other lane because bikers are riding outside of the designated bike lane (to ride beside each other and talk, etc.). That is what irritates me the most. They have bike lanes so I just wish they would use them. Not to mention it scares me every time because I am afraid they may come over more and I will hit them.

    Point is be respectful of the road just like motorists are expected to do. Then everyone can live in harmony. =)
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I think people are just nasty in general. Not just towards bike riders. It just so happens you were on a bike, but if you ran past her you probably would have gotten the same reaction. I run and walk on a small town road that is never busy, but I have people nearly running over me, and giving me dirty looks, when they have the whole other lane to go around me. And slow down to ensure safety, they don't know the meaning.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I have no problem with bikers when they are on a trail and not a busy road at rush hour! What irritates me is when bikers are on a road and don't follow the rules of the road.

    I absolutely hate it when they use the whole road!!! We live near a widely used bike path, but for some reason they feel they can us the whole lane and not use the bike path that was built just for bikes!!! Or they decide to use our road as detour route to get to the major bike path. I enjoy biking and try to do it often with my family, but not as a sport. I try to stay on sidewalks or on the side of the road and ALWAYS use the bike path.

    I do have to say that while on the bike path some people can be rather rude as if they own the path; especially when a family passes them...LOL! Maybe it was her pride that was hurt! :)
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I sometimes feel like the cars are almost trying to "punish" me for having the audacity to be on their road. Like big pick up trucks getting so close they nearly clip me with their mirrors when there's no traffic coming the other way. I dress in neon, wear a helmet, follow the rules, stay right of the fog line when practical, and signal. I live in the country and think it's asinine for me to rack my bike and d-r-i-v-e somewhere else to ride it. It's almost more dangerous in our parks with strollers, kids on training wheels, rollerbladers, and dogs on leashes sharing the paths. *rant over*

    You are not the problem (at least in my eyes) it is those bikers who take up the whole lane while biking or a group of bikers who decide to ride side by side on a regular road. For me that irritates me. Perhaps it is those inconsiderate bikers that have led people in general to be upset or loath bikers. We live near a bike path and you would be suprised by how many bikers do not use this path and are inconsiderate while using the road. You would think they would be, considering they are a lot smaller the the vehicles trying to use the road!
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    It is a frustrating situation on all sides. I understand how frustrating is for a driver to have to slow way down behind a bike. On the other hand, I also know the fear of being a biker and having a Hummer fly past me on my bike so fast and close that I swear I can almost feel the rear-view mirror brushing my ear.

    The law in most areas are pretty clear that bikes are prohibited from the sidewalks and directed to the streets. However, most cities have no real bike lanes. So, this essentially forces bikes and cars to share the same roadways.

    For Cars: I think drivers have to concede that bikes have the same legal rights to the road that they do. Many drivers think that bikers are supposed to be on the sidewalks, for example. With the same legal rights, come the expectations that drivers will not try to intimidate, crowd, or mess with a biker. Try to remember too that your car weighs several thousand pounds while my bike weighs 17 pounds. Try to imagine what it would feel like to have a car drive by you close enough for you to touch it. I definitely have cars that drive closer to me on my bike than they ever would if I was in a car. Scary stuff.

    For Bikes: I think bikers need to understand that a BIG part of being treated with the same rights as cars is to obey the same laws as cars. Many bike riders will shoot through an intersection, not stop at stop signs, and essentially pick and choose the road laws they want to follow. You want to be treated like a car, then sit at that red light like everybody else.

    For All: Keep an eye out for ways to support bike lanes via your vote. They are expensive and typically get voted down, but they really make these problems go away.

  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    The road is open to bikes to. I follow all the same rules as any other vehicle on a roadway. People just suck and are inconsiderate when it comes to sharing anything. I have almost been hit a bunch and each time I get the finger or obsenity thanking me for biking. Oh well go home and hate on your family and kids instead of me.

    Around here we are not to bike on the sidewalks so I try to never be on them. I have shot onto them a time or two when there is a lot of traffic coming and the road is smaller.

    I would love to get bike lanes around here but people are tight wads and as stated it always gets voted down. I am glad we just got a fleet on new high tech buses for public trans though...

    As for annoucing myself on a trail I do not unless they are walking a dog or kids are near. Most times you can hear this sweaty pedal pounding beast coming a long way off.... :noway:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    bikers(motor) in black leather ....YUM
    lol sorry just had to say :tongue:
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I have no problem with bikers when they are on a trail and not a busy road at rush hour! What irritates me is when bikers are on a road and don't follow the rules of the road.


    As a biker you have to realize that in a collision you will absolutely MANGLE a pedestian.

    Noone is going to give you props on your "mad skilz" in weaving in and out of toddlers and the elderly.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    When I'm in my car and I see a bicyclist fly through a stop sign - I have a problem. I've heard cyclists say "I don't want to have to stop." Huh? Um...neither do I, but you'd be a lot worse off if I didn't, you know?

    I don't have issues AT ALL with cyclists who keep to the side of the road. I try to give them a wide berth when passing. It does irk me when I live in a town that has dedicated bike paths and they choose to bike on county highways that are curvy and hilly, meaning I can't always see them a mile ahead, but - if they're willing to accept the risk I guess that's their issue.

    And: bikers are motorcycle riders. ;)

    One other cyclist thing - when I was on my motorcycle, coming down a steep and curvy hill (at roughly 20 mph so I didn't crash and DIE),I was passed ON BOTH SIDES by a group of bicyclists. Scared the heck out of me.