Hi, Im new

Hi everyone,

Im new to the website and using it to help me get rid of some post pregnancy weight and to help tone some areas which obviously have been stretched! Im only a stone heavier than I was pre pregnancy and generally still a size 8-10 but its more about getting my shape back.

Im hoping the food diary will help me see what I eat and how much of it can be cut out as an unhealthy diet. I do eat WAY too much chocolate!


  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there...I am new to this as well. I could say I am trying to get rid of post pregnancy weight but it has been hanging around for nearly 6 years. So glad someone else is new here. Love the reviews, hoping it works for me!!!
  • Breena4
    Breena4 Posts: 2
    Welcome and congrats on the baby. I too am new to this website. I just started on Monday and I like that I'm accountable to something to help with my goals. Good luck and welcome.
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    Certainly makes a difference when you know you have to type in your food! Love it love it! It was even more satisfying when I went on a bike ride this morning and was able to see the calories I burned!!!
  • akki2011
    akki2011 Posts: 10
    Hi Savadleysmom and Brenna4! Im the same as you Savandleysmom, its been nearly 2 years and I still have a bit of tummy, I have no idea where my hips went and still have weight on my upper thighs! Is it me or do you seem to gain weight easier after having a baby as well? If your naughty for one day, you see it the next morning! I try to use the stairs at work and walk as mush as possible but it just doesnt cut it. Im hoping pilates 3 times a week will help! What are you goals?
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    My goals....I would love to lose 15 pounds. At least that is my achievable goal after that we shall see. I see these people on TV losing huge amounts and I think "I can't even lose 15 pounds" it shouldn't be that hard. I totally agree on gaining weight easier after child birth. It doesn't help when they leave that chicken nugget on their plate and I think....I can't just throw that away!?!?! I have so many clothes in my closet just hanging there....would love to be able to get back in them. My girls are 8 and 5...I am ready to lose this weight so I have more energy to enjoy being active with them!!!
  • wendyw8
    wendyw8 Posts: 86 Member
    hi i am new to this site too. I hate that baby weight that you cant get off! I have 3 kids all boys with my first child nobody told me that you really don't have to eat for 2 and I was quite young, I gained 88 pounds. i did not ever loose all that weight. When I was pregnant with my other 2 boys I was more careful and only gained what I needed to. but I still have that saggy belly and my baby is 4. I joined this website hoping it would make me more accountable for what I eat and how much I work out. Good luck!!!
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    So glad to learn I am not the only one with baby weight still hanging around!! Everything I read says you lose more when you do this with a buddy....I am hoping this buddy thing works because I certainly can't do it on my own!!!
  • akki2011
    akki2011 Posts: 10
    Us moms will have to stick together and support each other :)
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    So very true!! Thank you ladies in advance for being there!!! This website is so neat!!! Wish I would have found it sooner!!
  • dalola724
    dalola724 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new too! Well really I'm old...51...but I'm new to this. I've been doing weight watchers since Feb and have only been able to drop 10 lbs. I work out 3-4 times a week and waitress as well...so I know I'm getting good cardio and strength training in, but can't seem to drop any more weight. I have 10 lbs yet I'd like to lose. I'm guessing it's my age slowing me down. But hoping to find something here to help push it along!
  • akki2011
    akki2011 Posts: 10
    Same here! I find its such a battle with your body and mind that its probably one battle you cant fight alone and win. Its definitely one you fight with others :)
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    I have also done WW in the past. Love the program but $40 a month right now is not possible. I am a preschool teacher so I am not getting the "aerobics" of waitressing but some days I do come home wore out! I was so excited to enter my biking for the day and see I "earned" 357 calories for it!!! WooHoo!! Love the visual this gives me!
  • akki2011
    akki2011 Posts: 10
    I think the visual helps alot! Ive put in what I have eaten today and alreayd I dont have that many left for dinner hehe!
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    So funny....did that yesterday! I guess my problem was I didn't stop to think every morsel has calories....thinking twice before anything goes in! LOL!!!
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    So funny....did that yesterday! I guess my problem was I didn't stop to think every morsel has calories....thinking twice before anything goes in! LOL!!!
  • akki2011
    akki2011 Posts: 10
    I find that I do much a lot during the day, especially when Im at work! I tend to get bored and therefore want to eat. It doesnt help that right now there is a big box of cholocates sitting behind me......
  • savadleysmom
    savadleysmom Posts: 10 Member
    Step away from the chocolates....grab your water....ahhh...now your full....well we can dream can't we!?!?!?
  • mamadragon
    mamadragon Posts: 110
    LOL... mine's been hanging around for 21 years....

    Welcome to MFP :)
  • akki2011
    akki2011 Posts: 10
    In a perfect world, chocolate wouldnt have any calories and it would be good for you......
  • AricAngel
    AricAngel Posts: 21
    Its interesting that I actually gained weight wieh my wife was pregnant as well. Her and I are working on loseing weight too. I have been on here for 4 weeks and so far ive lost 8 lbs. You also said that in a perfect world Chocolate would be healthy well Dark Chocolate is healthy (if you like Dark Chocolate)