Post pregnancy weightloss

Hello! I had a baby in January ... the pregnancy was awful with me being in a wheelchair for most of it.
I put on around 4 stone in weight! I was about 2 stone overweight to begin with so my goal is to lose 6 stone. I have so far lost 13lb since starting in early May using a combination of HypnoBand and Slimfast.
I love the way this site is so motivational... I can see what I am doing each day!
A bit about me.. I am a stay at home Mum (at the moment) and I live on the south coast :)


  • akki2011
    akki2011 Posts: 10
    Hi Sady_uk, welcome to MFP! Im also a mum trying to get rid of post pregnancy weight...your not alone! :)
  • Cloupe
    Cloupe Posts: 20
    Congratulations on your baby! I had a baby in April, and like you I had a problem pregnancy with limited movement and therefore have just over 6 stone to lose, so seeing you've lost so much with a newborn to look after is really encouraging :happy: well done!!
  • sady_uk
    sady_uk Posts: 6
    Hi! Thank you for the welcome! :) I am managing to put on here what I am eating for the day before I actually do. It really helps because then I klnow how close I am to my limit. Why havent I discovered this site before?!?! lol!
    I am waiting to have foot surgery so I am relly limited to what exercise I can do :(
    How are you guys doing it? :) xx
  • meplunk
    meplunk Posts: 10 Member
    I am looking to lose baby weight as well. I have three under 5. My youngest, and possibly last, is 5 months. I am ready to return to my pre baby size, if not better. We are very busy, but do love the gym and are there multiple times a week. Love this site because it feeds my anal retentiveness! I am a stay at home mom so it gives my day some focus and holds me accountable!