Hello MFP friends.

Gee Wiz!
I can't count how many times I've tried to lose this weight. I lost about 25 #. Gained back 30!! I can't keep doing this!
I'll be happy to get back down to 150#. I weigh 183 now!! Where is my motivation?
My physician says for my age a whopping 65. (I feel like I'm about 45.) I could weigh about 145-150#. I'm ok with that. I just can't keep it there. Thirty lb's may not seem a lot. At 5'6 at this weight, I'm slow, always tired, no motivation. I'm retired. I can do anything I want to do. But.....I don't! Anyone else feel the same?


  • flosalamak
    flosalamak Posts: 6 Member
    I do, I am not retired - I do work full time. I am 57. and I am about 50# over weight. Doctor told me I am heading for heart problems if i don't loose some weight... I have had a hard time getting going, but have signed up here on MFP and hoping I will get some inspiration and motivation. I am slow, tired and can't do things I would like to do.
  • ima58er
    ima58er Posts: 37 Member
    Log what your eating now in calories. Decrease your target calorie to lose ten pounds at a clip. Keep adjusting as you drop. I did this and lost fifty. Took one year and I'm not hungry. Good luck.
  • JoAnnIsFit
    JoAnnIsFit Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning, Ima58er. I'm committed to losing the extra weight I gained.
  • Add me! Make as many friends as you can for motivation. Together, you can do anything :)
  • JoAnnIsFit
    JoAnnIsFit Posts: 8 Member
    Wow!! Ima58er~
    These are great tips!
    Thank you.
  • Also, need energy? Water water water! I'm currently doing the 30 day water challenge. A gallon a day. My energy level exploded within the first 2 days!