Starting P90 January 4th

Hi! I'm looking for anyone that's going to be starting or has just started P90. I did one round of 21 Day Fix and it was a beast! So I got P90 with hope that I can work up to more demanding workouts. Anyone do P90 before, any suggestions or advice? I'm 47 and never have really worked out much. I did the 21 Day Fix 4 months ago and lost 11 pounds and several inches and it was effective! I just dreaded doing it. I'm hoping that P90 will be the answer. Anyway, if anyone has started it or is getting ready to start, I'd love an accountability partner!!!!


  • TRS_One
    TRS_One Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Darcy.

    I just started P90x3 yesterday on the Classic schedule.

    Which program were you planning on doing? The original P90X?
  • tchutskoff
    tchutskoff Posts: 6 Member
    I started as well. Completed day 3 today. I am doing the lean version for my first run.
  • G2pt0
    G2pt0 Posts: 2 Member
    I Also started p90x3, just completed day 2 today, classic. Are you doing the original p90x Darcy? My husband and I did that on our first go round years ago after getting married. He lost 40lbs. I ended up losing 30lbs but only did a few workouts here and there, Along with my own regime since I found the original too long. We had twins 8 months ago and p90x3 seems short and sweet for our second go round!
  • lettner
    lettner Posts: 13 Member
    Awesome Darcy. You will have to let us know how P90 is. I did two months of P90X with a friend last summer. Then in the fall I did 2 months of P90X3 before falling off between Thanksgiving and New Year's. My wife & I started P90x3 again this week (classic). We did Yoga this morning. I need to remember tonight to take pictures and weigh for I haven't done that yet.
  • dleivis87
    dleivis87 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm doing P90x for the second time! Except this time I am incorporating calorie logging thru MFP. P90 is a great program and will help u reach ur goals! Feel free to add me !
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for anyone that's going to be starting or has just started P90. I did one round of 21 Day Fix and it was a beast! So I got P90 with hope that I can work up to more demanding workouts.

    My sister and brother in law just gave me their P90X and 21 day fix programs today since they could not do them due to knee and back issues (score for me!) I figured P90X would be harder but are the workouts for 21 Day Fix really that hard?

    I am starting Body Shred on Monday and was thinking about which program to start after and I assume 21 Day Fix would be an easier program for some reason.
  • francineb4
    francineb4 Posts: 20 Member
    I started p90x Jan 2. I did it about 5 years ago and loved the results. I also did 2 months worth of p90x3, but wanted to up my game after the new year. I will probably sometimes do the x3 workout instead of the original when I am short on time.

    A little sore after the first week and tired from getting up at 5:30 but I am looking forward to the progam.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I'm actually doing p90x and insanity hybrid as well. I will swap some p90x3 vids if I am short on time (yoga x will be one of those ). P90 series is such a great workout series.