Trying again!

j3nesis87 Posts: 18 Member
edited January 2016 in Getting Started
I'm trying the whole "healthy" thing, yet again. I've tried before, but what tends to happen is I have an off day and give in to fast food cravings or have an extra two pints of lager, think "well I totally f***ed this up just like everything else I do" and/or "I don't want to look like a weak fool so I won't put it in the diary... so there's no point carrying on" and just give up. Again.

Background and motivation........... I'm sick of feeling like crap. I'm always tired, I feel sick and dizzy, I'm dehydrated, I sleep poorly (that's always been the case but it's got much worse as an adult). GP ordered blood test showed no illnesses or conditions, no diabetes/thyroid weirdness or anything else I could use as an excuse. Perhaps it's the new year but I looked at myself, and concluded, "maybe I feel like crap because I eat like crap".

I'm 28, 68kg at 5"5', which is juuuuust within the boundary of a healthy weight for my height. I'm quite flobbery (estimates using measurements at 34-38% body fat), which is more worrying to me than the weight, to be honest. I'm not worried about getting super-skinny or being able to run a marathon, I accept that being a size 8/45kg was a privilege reserved for 17-year-old me and no longer achieveable, I just want to feel less bad in day-to-day life. (Not to mention I can't afford to buy a new wardrobe.)

So what's the plan? Since I've tried this before I think I can guess where my downfalls will be, so I'm not going to even try with jogging every day/no alcohol at all ever/eating only salad, because I know I'll fail. I'm starting slow and simple, with no fast food during January, with the hope that when I get to February I'll realise how much better I feel and how much fatter my wallet is, and not want to start eating it again. The other "rule" is no alcohol at home on school nights. Him Indoors is with me here - we were suckers for the "well we opened the bottle to add it to the bolognese, we might as well have a glass" (then you have another glass, of course) way of thinking. That allows me to have a glass of wine with the roast on a Saturday, or a half (not a pint anymore!) of lager after rehearsal on a Thursday. Believe me, that's a huge cutback for me....!

Any other "retakers" around this new year? What's your strategy for actually sticking with it? What do you do if you have a bad day?


  • lldeise66
    lldeise66 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also trying again. TRied before and failed, well I just gave up, "to busy to log in", have other things to do, etc. Well this year I'm doing like you, taking it slow so I don't get frustrated. No buying the junk food when we are shopping (keeping away from that aisle). And also this time I'm not joining a gym and getting discouraged I'm doing my exercising at home. Just a little bit at a time.
  • destinyhope12345
    destinyhope12345 Posts: 67 Member
    hi im also on my second go round I have 30kgs to lose feel free to add me
  • j3nesis87
    j3nesis87 Posts: 18 Member
    lldeise66 wrote: »
    I'm also trying again. TRied before and failed, well I just gave up, "to busy to log in", have other things to do, etc. Well this year I'm doing like you, taking it slow so I don't get frustrated. No buying the junk food when we are shopping (keeping away from that aisle). And also this time I'm not joining a gym and getting discouraged I'm doing my exercising at home. Just a little bit at a time.

    That's the spirit! I'm the same about gyms, I turn up, see all the fit thin people, realise I have no idea how to use most of the machines and will look an idiot, and give up and go home. Thankfully I've never joined a really expensive gym... YouTube is good for home fitness, I quite like Fitness Blender.
  • makaryan11
    makaryan11 Posts: 40 Member
    I had been trying for almost 7 years with no success, this time I am very serious about losing the extra 20 pounds, I started 2 days ago and going strong, destruction and lack of motivation had been my worst enemies , not this time , I lost 19 pounds at the beginning of 2015, and will do it again by May, stay strong, be honest with yourself, and stay focused . :)
  • Johnson032011
    Johnson032011 Posts: 8 Member
    You guys can feel free to add me. I've also tried and failed. Tried and failed. So I've been trying since late November. I've been doing pretty well. Considering the crazy shifts I work. But we can all help each other I have about 80 lbs left I want too lose so I have a long journey.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Yep... been there done that. I have always been a big girl and that never really bothered me. I have had some issues with degenerative disc disease and over the years have herniated 2 disc in my neck and 3 in my lower back so I live with chronic pain on the daily... Yes I am in pain, let's EAT!!! I am an emotional eater and lazy on top of it because any movement at all, well... it just hurts. Poor me blah blah blah blah... Other than the broken disc, I am the healthiest fat girl out there, no HBP, cholesterol, diabetes issues no nothing, but with the lack of movement (other than work, the kids games/practices) and my extremely poor food choices I have packed on the pounds. I too, am sick and tired of constantly being sick and tired. So here I am, AGAIN...with a different attitude. I decided this time around it's not about losing weight, if I lose a few pounds that's just a bonus as my size as never been a determining factor in my worth. At this point I just want to stop putting all the chemicals/processed foods into my body. I want to learn to eat for nutrition not because I am in pain or having a bad day. Sadly, I really love veggies and fruit and fish and nuts, but Wendy's and Burger King require less prep and I don't even have to get out of the car... Yeahhhhh (shaking my head) LMAO Here's to a New Year, with some new habits and a healthier new us!!!! Feel free to add me if you would like to share in the journey!!!! :p
  • j3nesis87
    j3nesis87 Posts: 18 Member
    Tell me about it! Added new friends from this thread :)
  • weejen73
    weejen73 Posts: 68 Member
    Hiya yes me i feel as though i fell off the wagon over Christmas and New Year... blah... anyways back at it now would like to loss around 50lbs and as much of that as i can for summer. Finding it hard this time prob cause of all the nice things i have had over the holidays, lol but i need to do this. Lets go girls... feel free to add me x
  • successiswithinme
    successiswithinme Posts: 91 Member
    I need exercise motivators. I just cant seriously commit to it as much as I want to. If I dont lower my numbers by March the doc is putting me on meds. Please feel free to add me so we can support each daily goal is trying to add numbers and raise them in that exercise box on MFP each day.
  • rsiouxsie
    rsiouxsie Posts: 3 Member
    Im in the same boat have tried and failed over the years but really need to lose the extra 40lbs i have since having my daughter nearly 3 years ago now (oops). Started properly today after losing 8lbs the 2 weeks before xmas then putting it all back on over the holidays :/ feel free to add me aswell xx
  • BFree2BMe
    BFree2BMe Posts: 11 Member
    I'm with u all. I've tried lost stopped and gained then did it again. My two rules for this time is log what I eat and move everyday. That's it and I want to do this for life there is no stopping because if I'm living I have to do this. I started going to the gym because once I get there I enjoy exercise but at home I just don't seam to do it. As for food I'm just staying in the calories at the moment I will try to get picker as time goes on. Plz feel free to add me. I keep my diary open
  • Kelleygirl79
    Kelleygirl79 Posts: 71 Member
    After years of losing weight and gaining it back and losing and gaining, when I found this app knew it would be the key to my weight-loss efforts.I have lost almost 50 pounds and am completely confident that I can keep them off this time.

    The single most helpful nugget of truth that I have learned from the community here: Weight loss and exercise don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. It is incredibly hard to start a new healthy lifestyle and staying with it when you try to tackle exercise and diet at the same time.

    In past years it is always been so stressful and a bit of brain overload for me to tackle both of these issues simultaneously. So this time I focused mainly on my diet. Planning, prepping and preparing my foods to stay within my calorie range has absolutely knocked off these pounds.

    Oh, I exercise! But if I'm too busy I don't stress about missing it as I have in years past. I have a bit of the all or nothing syndrome so letting the exercise stay in the background has allowed me to focus on my food. I still try to get in 4-5 days a week of weights/cardio but only 30 minutes a day. But I've also missed a couple weeks in a row due to my job etc. and I have lost 2 pounds a week exactly on schedule until I finally met my goal.

    I never planned on eating my exercise calories. Sometimes if I'm a little hungry I may eat 100 or so that day over my calories.

    My point is, if you are starting to think seriously about getting to a healthy weight, just concentrate on the kitchen! As you lose weight you'll feel more like exercising a little and then maybe a lot!

    Separate those two issues in your mind and cut your stress in half!