How many of you log housework/cleaning?



  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I do because I do not clean everyday and I do "sweat it up"!

    And I use my HRM!
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    yup I log if its heavier or longer than usual.

    I've been doing a lot of shifting aout and sorting out and dumping lately, so I've logged that as the moderate category.

    I think that if it gets me outta breath then I log it! Seems to be working fine so far cos I always eat all my exercise calories and I'm still loosing at least 1lb a week :)

  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member

    It's interesting to note that a number of people who DO log regular housework do so so they can skip a workout or not see the numbers here on MFP go 'red', isn't it?

    I don't log it for this reason and I think only one person on this thread has said that they log their walk to work only on days where they think they are going over.

    I have a sedentary lifestyle according to MFP, so I feel that if I am doing something that elevates my heart rate for 30+ minutes I will log it. This is in addition to any exercise (wii zumba, JM DVDs, cycling, walking, running, gardening) that I might do. housework probably isn't as regular as it should be!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member

  • WhyW8
    WhyW8 Posts: 54 Member
    I don't log the little housework here and there like a load of laundry, or some dishes after dinner etc. but I do log a big clean on a Saturday and I only log half the time that I spend doing it (same for Gardening) since I go at my own pace. It all counts I think. If I am going to log 2 cups of salad greens which is only 20 calories and barely anything, then I'm sure as hell going to log an hour long cleaning spree! I did notice that they have "cooking" as one of the exercises that you can log...and I woudn't ever log that though.
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 82 Member
    I don't log housework or yard work EXCEPT on mowing days because it takes 6 hours to mow with a push mower *lol*. Other then that, my housework isn't logged, even on the days I move things around or get into heavy scrubbing. It's always been a part of my lifestyle, so I need to go above that "old routine" to be considered exercise.. I've done those activities every day since I moved out on my own, and well - they never helped me shed weight, so I have to up the game beyond them.
    It's just the way I have it figured for me anyway.. Each person will view this topic differently, and if it helps with motivation to log housecleaning and whatnot, well then - do it :0)

    Best of luck!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I suppose it depends on how intense it is. I never log it, would see it as part of my daily acticity level. I once scrubbed the outdoor playhouse for an hour, literally scrubbing, sweat was dripping off me - I logged that!

    I saw somebody logging ironing once, I thought that was just fooling herself.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    I never log it because it's part of my every day routine so I figure it's part of my basal metabolism so I'd be double dipping so to speak.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    This argument always comes up lol. I would say, if you are a bigger person who rarely gets physical activity in your schedule and when cleaning you are huffing and puffing, pouring sweat and red then yes, I would log it. But if you are only slightly overweight and you clean at a normal pace and just wipe your forehead once, then I wouldn't log it. I would be too scared the calories lost are over estimated for me and therefore I would overeat without knowing it! I would just include it in those calories you burn from doing every day activities aka sleeping, walking around school/work, playing with kids, etc.
  • heatherdoll40
    heatherdoll40 Posts: 42 Member
    If your going past the quick vaccume light dust of an every day cleaning log it if you want. Keeping the house neat is one thing but cleaning is a work out, I clean other peoples homes 2-3 times a week I'm wiped out after 4 hours.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    I logged some this week. I don't log it if it's just vacuuming really quick, but if I'm doing a big job that takes a significant amount of time and may keep me from my regular workout, I definitely do. This week, I cleaned out a junk room and it took me several hours with a lot of lifting, carrying bending, etc. No way I wasn't going to count that calorie burn!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I have my activity level set to sedentary since I work at a desk job. So if I do a lot of cleaning, like sweeping and mopping the whole house (all but the carpeted bedrooms of a 3400 square foot house), then I'll log it. It takes a fair amount of time and definitely burns some calories that I wouldn't on a typical day. I've never logged the normal day-to-day stuff like laundry, dishes, or wiping down the kitchen. I do think those might apply for some people, but it's more trouble than it's worth to me to pay attention to how long it takes and bother logging it.

    This is definitely one of those subjects that can stir up some disagreements. I think it's a personal decision and you have to figure out what works for you. If you're logging activities like this and are seeing the progress you want, then obviously it's working for you.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't because I also believe it's part of my normal activity. Plus I'm not a fan of cleaning so when I do it, I'll just do one or two small tasks at a time and they're not anything I get too agressive with so not much of a heart rate increase. It does make sense to me to count it as activity if you're activity level is set as sedentary and you're doing many tasks at once and get your heart rate up and/or get sweaty - I just don't approach cleaning that way.

    Also have to put my 2 cents in regarding the so-called "rude" response (hope you don't take offense Red, you know you're my girl) but I'm not so sure the poster intended it to be read that way. I think they were just offering their point of view and some advice - perhaps unsolicited but that's just par for the course when you pose questions on a public forum such as this...
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    For me it depends how vigorous it was... if I work up a sweat, or am tired. I give myself some credit. I figure if could use the calories to keep me from going under calorie.

    Just regular everyday sweeping, vaccuuming, wiping cupboards and doing laundry, dishes etc, no.

    Steam cleaning all the carpets, raking the lawn, scrubbing both bathrooms top to bottom, washing window on a ladder, yep.

    The day I went to the warehouse club and spent $500 dollars.. yes! I lifted those cases of food at least 5 times each, in the cart, onto the belt, back in the cart, in the car, out of the car and then put them all away (up and down stairs to the basement).... If that was not equal to a gym workout, I don't know what was.

    You have to use common sense on this one....
  • twinkietigress
    twinkietigress Posts: 109 Member
    For me I would say anything that keeps you up and moving and works as incentive to keep a positive attitude on getting fit should be logged! It will encourage you to keep going as every little bit counts and lets face it some days are better than others. If logging that today your best was to get up and dust while you watch tv than by all means count it.

    If your doing your best every day, and ok with the fact it will vary you will reach your goals, there will be no stopping you!

  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I dont because I wory if I do I may end up eating to much. I factor cleaning into my activity level (moderate).

  • housework probably isn't as regular as it should be!

    I hear ya on this on!! :laugh:

    I only log it if it's a long cleaning day or if I'm going above and beyond the normal vaccum/sweep/dusting...
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I only log housework/cleaning if I have reorganized the house or "spring cleaning" otherwise the little everyday stuff I don't bother.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I'm a pretty fit person (now), but I will log housework when I am pouring sweat. (Like trying to sweep and mop my entire house in 45 minutes or scrubbing showers.) That being said, I don't eat extra calories for it. It's more for me to track my extra activities, you know?
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