Want to lose 40lbs!



  • Blind_Pilot
    Blind_Pilot Posts: 64 Member
    Hi guys!! I want to lose 42lbs!! (3 stone in the uk) I did it once before using mfp, but various things went on and it slowly crept back over the last few years!! Feel free to add me guys!!!
  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    You can do it! You're in the right place :) I just hit the 47 lb mark!
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I don't need to lose 40 10-12 tops for me but we're all trying to accomplish the same thing! Set small goals and let those victories fuel you to continue on your journey :-) I'm always open to new friends, I'm on here daily!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome ! I've been here a long time but I've struggled since last spring, due to some health issues and then mental from the health. (as in eating because of it)
    Back on track with working out and eating better!!!!
    I workout from home, because its hard with two little kids, I don't want to take that time from them.
    Looking forward to feeling better again
  • momma2aidenboo
    momma2aidenboo Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Justine and everyone else reading! I'm also new to the community portion but have been on mfp for awhile, off and on! I'm looking to shed 30-40 lbs of "baby weight" (my son is 7!). Feel free to add me, I need all the support I can get
  • Newmetennessee
    Newmetennessee Posts: 4 Member
    40 here too!
  • rlpomeroy
    rlpomeroy Posts: 691 Member
    edited January 2016
    40 will be a good start for me. I was diagnosed Diabetic about 12 years ago and lost almost 100 pounds then, getting myself off all the meds. Over the years, I have put back on about 50 of that. looking to get rid of it again and more. I was a powerlifter in my teens and could eat whatever I wanted! lol

    I am new here and really liking it so far. I like the 5 week look ahead thing. seems like a good motivator.

    Would love to find someone to be accountable to.
  • kimberlyn2016
    kimberlyn2016 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just getting started, too, and trying to lose 35.
  • Cobourg
    Cobourg Posts: 54 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm trying to lose 20 lbs to start and then maybe another 10. I've never tried being part of the fitness pal community before but would like to start. I've lost weight a few years ago and got down to a good weight but being short it is more difficult to keep it off. I've also had health issues which contribute to weight gain but I'm hoping for a good start.
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Best of luck to you, add me if you like.
  • jackquelin3
    jackquelin3 Posts: 7 Member
    We have similar goals! I am doing the Jamie Eason LiveFit program from bodybuilding.com. I'm in my first week, and it's working out so far. I'm also stopping alcohol altogether. Maybe a drink here and there, but not like I used to. Add me for support!
  • ArmstrongSabrina
    ArmstrongSabrina Posts: 38 Member
    Same here! I don't have really anyone but my best friend and bf to motivate me and get in the health kick with me because everyone I know is either thin or they are always telling me "you don't even need to lose weight. You are so thin already. Shut uppp" It gets so frustrating because for me, I'm at the heaviest I've ever been without being pregnant and that was 5 years ago. Its been 5 years since I had my daughter and I finally woke up and realized I am DONE feeling and looking this way. I'm still young, I'm going to be 25 this August and like you said, I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. We can do this!
  • MEat40forge
    MEat40forge Posts: 106 Member
    I am looking to shed 50 to 80. Just started yesterday afternoon.
  • suzannefernsten
    suzannefernsten Posts: 5 Member
    I am also looking to lose 40 pounds. I've been able to lose 35 over the last 18 months but put 7 back on over the holidays. I am new to myfitnesspal and just joined the other day because I now have a phone that can track my calories and fitness with my Garmin Vivofit. The key to losing the first 35 for me was getting in exercise in the morning and trying to eat healthy the majority of the time. For me that has been eating oatmeal for breakfast with fruit or yogurt, a light lunch, and a reasonable dinner. I am hoping this time things are easier since now I can track my calories easier. We can do this. :smile:
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me for tips, recipes and support :) Good luck with your goal!!
  • cfforbes327
    cfforbes327 Posts: 9 Member
    I want to lose 40 pounds too for the same reasons. I'm also new to my fitness pal and the community. Anybody is free to add me if you want. I can use all the help I can get!