Anybody else have this prob?

I go all day eating right drinking right. But at night I want to grab the chips or just munch out. How do you avoid this? Should I make a protein shake? Or should I just "man up" and walk away. It's so hard!


  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Are you getting enough food early in the day? Are you well-hydrated? Do you have enough fat, protein and fiber in your diet?

    Why do you even have chips around? If you can't control yourself, get them out of the house.

  • Spook_Nuke_Em
    Spook_Nuke_Em Posts: 408 Member
    Unfortunately, nothing I've tried gets rid of the urge. So, it's just will power and keeping the "crap" out of my pantry. Usually, I will just try to drink a bottle of room temperature water and get my mind on something else.

    Fight the temptation, you got this!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Every night! But I had to plan in a healthy snack so I can eat something and that is it water or coffee too. Then distraction with an activity.
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    Lol! You know what? I'm gonna try the water thing! Thanks!
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member

    You already seem to eat protein in the evening. I'd shrink a meal to plan for later snacking or try the wayer/tea

    Side note protein shake aren't magic. Most meat eaters don't need them. I do use them but that is for weightlifting with a vegetarian lifestyle.
  • Dourpussdora
    Dourpussdora Posts: 48 Member
    hi, I have this problem every night but I think its more out of boredom so I try and find things to do like have a bath etc :-)
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member

    Are you getting enough food early in the day? Are you well-hydrated? Do you have enough fat, protein and fiber in your diet?

    Why do you even have chips around? If you can't control yourself, get them out of the house.

    I have two growing boys and do not deprive them of snacks. Now I'm not saying I have Cheetos lying around lol but chips, organic, kosher, or not are still bad and tempting. Chips is just an example but they have snacks and it's hard.
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member

    HutchA12 wrote: »
    You already seem to eat protein in the evening. I'd shrink a meal to plan for later snacking or try the wayer/tea

    Side note protein shake aren't magic. Most meat eaters don't need them. I do use them but that is for weightlifting with a vegetarian lifestyle.

    Thank you, I'm taking you're advice!

  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    hi, I have this problem every night but I think its more out of boredom so I try and find things to do like have a bath etc :-)

    Yes I'm going to have to keep myself busy away from kitchen!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    Are you getting enough food early in the day? Are you well-hydrated? Do you have enough fat, protein and fiber in your diet?

    Why do you even have chips around? If you can't control yourself, get them out of the house.

    I have two growing boys and do not deprive them of snacks. Now I'm not saying I have Cheetos lying around lol but chips, organic, kosher, or not are still bad and tempting. Chips is just an example but they have snacks and it's hard.

    Not giving kids junk food is not DEPRIVING them. In fact, one could argue that you are setting them up for a lifetime of bad food choices.

    Nobody needs Cheetos. They are, at best, an occasional treat and not something that they should be consuming on an everyday basis.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    make some room for a snack. if needed, portion it out and put it in baggies that way you dont 'give in' and dish up way more than you planned

    drinking water helps some people (not me cause i drink it all day anyways LOL)

    drinking hot tea DOES help me though

    try on a pair of jeans that are too small. then go for a walk or a jog. ;) LOL
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member

    Are you getting enough food early in the day? Are you well-hydrated? Do you have enough fat, protein and fiber in your diet?

    Why do you even have chips around? If you can't control yourself, get them out of the house.

    I have two growing boys and do not deprive them of snacks. Now I'm not saying I have Cheetos lying around lol but chips, organic, kosher, or not are still bad and tempting. Chips is just an example but they have snacks and it's hard.

    Not giving kids junk food is not DEPRIVING them. In fact, one could argue that you are setting them up for a lifetime of bad food choices.

    Nobody needs Cheetos. They are, at best, an occasional treat and not something that they should be consuming on an everyday basis.

    Lots of us have lost plenty of weight while having "junk food" on a daily basis. In moderation, it's completely fine. Don't you think it's just a little bit over dramatic to imply that they'll make nothing but bad food choices for the rest of their lives just because she gives them snacks? And besides, OP specifically stated she didn't leave Cheetos lying around.
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    make some room for a snack. if needed, portion it out and put it in baggies that way you dont 'give in' and dish up way more than you planned

    drinking water helps some people (not me cause i drink it all day anyways LOL)

    drinking hot tea DOES help me though

    try on a pair of jeans that are too small. then go for a walk or a jog. ;) LOL
    Haha love that last part! Now that's my motivation honey!
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member

    Are you getting enough food early in the day? Are you well-hydrated? Do you have enough fat, protein and fiber in your diet?

    Why do you even have chips around? If you can't control yourself, get them out of the house.

    I have two growing boys and do not deprive them of snacks. Now I'm not saying I have Cheetos lying around lol but chips, organic, kosher, or not are still bad and tempting. Chips is just an example but they have snacks and it's hard.

    Not giving kids junk food is not DEPRIVING them. In fact, one could argue that you are setting them up for a lifetime of bad food choices.

    Nobody needs Cheetos. They are, at best, an occasional treat and not something that they should be consuming on an everyday basis.

    Lots of us have lost plenty of weight while having "junk food" on a daily basis. In moderation, it's completely fine. Don't you think it's just a little bit over dramatic to imply that they'll make nothing but bad food choices for the rest of their lives just because she gives them snacks? And besides, OP specifically stated she didn't leave Cheetos lying around.
    Yea my kids don't eat Cheetos, McD's, etc. but they do eat snacks and have plenty of variety. My kids are not overweight and know about food and bad choices. They have bad things sometimes but all in moderation.
  • DivineLotus
    DivineLotus Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah, I have that same urge. I try to keep calories allotted for some night time snacking; string cheese, fruit, skinny cow ice cream sandwich etc... I also have tea in the evening (lately anyway). Thats always comforting and gives me something to enjoy. Will power is the best defense but try and fit in a snack at night if its something that creeps up on you regularly.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited January 2016
    I did, too, OP.

    Until I started CICO and partitioning my daily calorie goal in a manner which allowed me to include something to munch on after dinner and dessert, but before bedtime.

    I have no "willpower". Never have. Give me a bag of chips and I will eat the entire bag. Give me a measured portion of chips, along with other foods at the same time, and that is all I will eat.

    It took me almost developing the fun disordered eating behavior that is binge eating to finally learn I personally cannot ever make any food/food group verboten.

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    the only treat i cant have in the house are peanut butter cups.

    all willpower i have goes straight out the window with those. other things, i can*generally* ignore

    if you find there is a major trigger food, sometimes purging it and not allowing it to be kept in the house is the only solution. obviously, you cant do that with everything, but if one item is a temptation you really CANT ignore. dont buy it. the kids can have it as a sometimes snack other times.

  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm going to be crucified for this because the chemicals in microwave popcorn are the devil, but seriously, 100 calorie popcorn packs have been my life saver on nights like these. My step son has even called me obsessed or addicted to popcorn. But at 100 cals for like 4.5 cups, I get to satisfy the snacking urge. You could air pop. I'm not that ambitious.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Couple of things I do because I have the same problem.

    1. Save 400 calories for the night. I've been known to eat 500 calories all during the day so I can fill myself with what I have left at night since I know I'm going to be eating that anyways.
    2. Go to sleep. If I am eating out of boredom and I don't have any calories left but I can't stop eating, then ill go to sleep so I don't get stuck mindless bingeing.
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    I did, too, OP.

    Until I started CICO and partitioning my daily calorie goal in a manner which allowed me to include something to munch on after dinner and dessert, but before bedtime.

    I have no "willpower". Never have. Give me a bag of chips and I will eat the entire bag. Give me a measured portion of chips, along with other foods at the same time, and that is all I will eat.

    It took me almost developing the fun disordered eating behavior that is binge eating to finally learn I personally cannot ever make any food/food group verboten.


    Glad I'm not the only one who has this problem! But to every problem there is a solution!