55 and fighting it!

Planning on going to the gym for aerobic and strength training, cycling and doing MUCH better with my eating habits. Planning to lose 45 lbs. Would enjoy being accountable to folks with similar goals.


  • Natasha8890
    Natasha8890 Posts: 25 Member
    Age is just a number...congrats on making your decision to be awesome!
  • Fireft59
    Fireft59 Posts: 3 Member
    Good plan! Exercise is the fountain of youth!
  • sparrish531
    sparrish531 Posts: 499 Member
    Thanks all!
  • allison4224
    allison4224 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm trying to make using my elliptical a daily thing. I stopped using it last year when the weather warmed up. I also want to get back into using free weights, doing aerobic videos, and yoga. I'm looking to lose about 50 pounds.
  • sparrish531
    sparrish531 Posts: 499 Member
    I look forward to keeping up with your success!
  • Diannen14
    Diannen14 Posts: 2 Member
    Im 55 and a gym rat by nature...but still need to lose 20 pounds ( bye bye sugar!). Would love to join the cheering section...go team fit and fifty something!
  • kevin_bvbfan
    kevin_bvbfan Posts: 37 Member
    Good luck on them goals. Feels like every time I start making stellar progress I end up with an injury or health issue. But I ain't no quitter.