Breastfeeding mommas

Are there ANY other breastfeeding moms on here? I feel like I'm the only one!! I just had my first son October 7th 2015 and he exclusively takes breastmilk. I also work full time and am a single mom. I gained 36 lbs during my pregnancy, lost 24 lbs of it immediately, gained that all back after I got put on birth control, and I've now lost 8lbs of the baby weight just breastfeeding and eating healthy. I tried to limit my calorie consumption, but I wasn't producing enough milk, I have to eat at least 2000 calories daily to maintain my breast milk supply for my baby so exercise is the only option. I'm finding it hard to stay motivated though.... Looking for other mommies for support!


  • nadler64
    nadler64 Posts: 124 Member
    You will have a harder time losing weight while breastfeeding than after you wean (mom of 2 here). Our bodies don't want to let go of the weight as easily because that is insurance that the baby will have milk in time of famine.

    Honestly, if I had it to do over again, I'd not even worry about trying to lose, or at least lose more than a half pound a week, until after kiddo had weaned. Life as a working/nursing/pumping mom was stressful enough without pressuring myself to get back to pre-baby weight. Worry more about the quality of food you're eating. You and baby will both benefit.
  • jglovicz
    jglovicz Posts: 44 Member
    Have you tried fenugreek to help with your production? You may be able to maintain your production on fewer calories. No other real advice except to maybe browse photos of yourself at your ideal weight and log your workouts and meals in the morning or night before so you already have a plan in place. Good luck!
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    edited January 2016
    I do still, but my baby is now 9.5 months old. :) I found I could NOT lose for the first 4 months even though I returned to working out at 5 weeks postpartum! Right after delivery I only dropped 14 lbs out of the 31 gained, and held onto the rest until 4 months! After that, my weight started to budge finally when I didnt do anything differently. Just kept working out and logging, exclusively breastfeeding. The trick was to keep going and trusting that it would eventually give me results. I since have lost the 31 lbs I gained while pregnant, plus an additional 19 lbs. (50 lbs total) BUT I am also very overweight to begin with, which makes a difference.

    I'm hoping once we wean, I'll be able to lose a bit easier again. I do find it harder to lose while breastfeeding than it was prior to this (and I've lost 100 lbs). Add me if you'd like! :)
  • ElbowCoude
    ElbowCoude Posts: 28 Member
    I am breastfeeding my 8 month old! I had a LOT to lose and started when he was three months, the weight I had gained during pregnancy was gone by the time he was two weeks so it was all baby and bloat but the extra fat I had all along was still there! I have lost 95+ and never have a problem with supply. He is my third and last baby.

    I eat tons of veggies, protein, and I always have a bed time snack ( chobani) to get me through any midnight nursing sessions! He is happy and healthy and I am much healthier than I was!!! I'm still going strong, the weightloss has slowed down because I don't need as much to begin with but I'm not worried!

    For exercise I walk, run a little, do body combat, and a butts and guts class! I'm looking to add one more class
  • danellem35
    danellem35 Posts: 4 Member
    Im a stay at home mom to an exclusively breast fed 11 month old. I know obviouse places i can cut back be he is almost 30 pounds and wants to eat all the time! I ended up feeling hungry alot...
  • klow86
    klow86 Posts: 2 Member
    Just had my baby 12/14/15. We are ebf now and plan to as long as we can. I gained no weight while pregnant but started at 215. I now weigh 190 and want to get down more. I lost weight quick with my first while bf and hope I keep losing with this one too. My huge fear is gaining weight when I get onto a birth control, still not sure what kind I want to do yet. I also plan to add exercise and do my first 5k this year. I need others to motivate me to eat better as I eat a ton of junk now.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    My little guy(my 3rd) is 4 months old, ebf. I lost 85 here a few years back, was not very good at keeping it off, now I have about 45 to lose again. I am losing steadily on 2000 calories, I try to walk 10000 steps a day and I just did my 1st post-pregnancy weightlifting session tonight! It feels good to be back :)
  • ragenhay1
    ragenhay1 Posts: 158 Member
    My son is five months and exclusively breastfed. I have been on here for three months. I eat 1800 calories and go to group fitness Classes Monday to Friday for an hour each day. I was 240 the day after having my son and 220 when I started on mfp. I'm now down to 195 and still losing. I found the group fitness Classes keep me motivated. 2000 is a good number for most breastfeeding women. Most need between 1800 and 2500 calories with the majority being at the top of the range.
  • healthymissfit
    healthymissfit Posts: 648 Member
    Wow! Thanks ladies!!!! This makes me feel so much better!!!
  • agl88mfp
    agl88mfp Posts: 8 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 15 month old! I lost all
    My baby weight but still have some weight to lose and it's like my body is on lock down like Fort Knox! It's just not going anywhere! I would love to be friends and help motivate each other!
  • agl88mfp
    agl88mfp Posts: 8 Member
    Is there somewhere on the mfp app to put in that I'm breastfeeding? Mfp put me at 1440 calories a day. Is that enough since I'm nursing?
  • klow86
    klow86 Posts: 2 Member
    If you figure out where to put the breastfeeding thING let me know cause my 1500 is not enough
  • 3AAnn3
    3AAnn3 Posts: 3,054 Member
    Not breastfeeding now. Just quit about 5 months ago. Before that, I nursed for 5 1/2 years without pause, so feel free to add me.
  • MamaTraver
    MamaTraver Posts: 3 Member
    Breastfeeding mama here, mine is 2 1/2 though so she doesn't nurse as often as most of yours do :) You enter that you breastfeed in the same place you enter food you ate. Just type in breastfeeding and it will pop up. Instead of it being added on to your daily goal it subtracts it from the calories that you have taken in.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    agl88mfp wrote: »
    Is there somewhere on the mfp app to put in that I'm breastfeeding? Mfp put me at 1440 calories a
    day. Is that enough since I'm nursing?

    If you are nursing full time it takes about 650 calories a day, and it is recommended to eat 500 above your regular calorie allowance. I am losing on 2000 calories nursing my 4 month old.

  • ragenhay1
    ragenhay1 Posts: 158 Member
    You can add breastfeeding as an exercise or a negative food. Just search under cardio or food for breastfeeding. There are a few to choose from. I was using the -300 for a while then just worked it into my calorie intake.
  • lale1384
    lale1384 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Mommas! I'm new to MFP! My daughter is 3 & 1/2 months old & I ebf! :) I don't know how to add friends on here, but if y'all would add me, I'd love the support on my health journey! :)
  • ddebruhl
    ddebruhl Posts: 49 Member
    edited January 2016
    Me!! I had my daughter April 29th and I'm breastfeeding. I was 212lbs pre-pregnancy and 236lbs at delivery. I was down to 195lbs within a month of having her. I've been stuck there ever since. I haven't really been trying. I had to have surgery 3 months postpardum and I haven't been able to workout a lot. I have been eating 2000 calories a day. I can't lower it because it effects my milk supply. My doctor recommends not focusing on weight loss, but focusing on eating healthy and adding in some exercising. People say that once you stop breastfeeding, you're body will let go of extra fat that it has stored. I have done as suggested by my doctor. It's been almost 2 weeks on MFP and I've lost 0.6lbs. Better than nothing, but it is apparent that it will be hard to lose while breastfeeding. Once May is here, I will be working hard!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Are there ANY other breastfeeding moms on here? I feel like I'm the only one!! I just had my first son October 7th 2015 and he exclusively takes breastmilk. I also work full time and am a single mom. I gained 36 lbs during my pregnancy, lost 24 lbs of it immediately, gained that all back after I got put on birth control, and I've now lost 8lbs of the baby weight just breastfeeding and eating healthy. I tried to limit my calorie consumption, but I wasn't producing enough milk, I have to eat at least 2000 calories daily to maintain my breast milk supply for my baby so exercise is the only option. I'm finding it hard to stay motivated though.... Looking for other mommies for support!

    Are you sure the supply issues were from calorie reduction? Unless you were really low in calories, it could be just coincidence. What type of birth control are you on for example? Many of the pills will kill your supply. Do you pump enough when you are not home? Do you have a good electric pump? Do your regularly check and change the membranes?
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I do still, but my baby is now 9.5 months old. :) I found I could NOT lose for the first 4 months even though I returned to working out at 5 weeks postpartum! Right after delivery I only dropped 14 lbs out of the 31 gained, and held onto the rest until 4 months! After that, my weight started to budge finally when I didnt do anything differently. Just kept working out and logging, exclusively breastfeeding. The trick was to keep going and trusting that it would eventually give me results. I since have lost the 31 lbs I gained while pregnant, plus an additional 19 lbs. (50 lbs total) BUT I am also very overweight to begin with, which makes a difference.

    I'm hoping once we wean, I'll be able to lose a bit easier again. I do find it harder to lose while breastfeeding than it was prior to this (and I've lost 100 lbs). Add me if you'd like! :)
    agl88mfp wrote: »
    Is there somewhere on the mfp app to put in that I'm breastfeeding? Mfp put me at 1440 calories a day. Is that enough since I'm nursing?
    agl88mfp wrote: »
    Is there somewhere on the mfp app to put in that I'm breastfeeding? Mfp put me at 1440 calories a day. Is that enough since I'm nursing?
    klow86 wrote: »
    If you figure out where to put the breastfeeding thING let me know cause my 1500 is not enough