Weight loss and adrenal gland issues

Hi all. I posted this yesterday on the weight loss section but I didn't receive any responses so I thought maybe I should try here.

I am currently being tested for an adrenal gland problem. Everything that I've read about Cushings, and other adrenal issues creating too many adrenaline hormones, is that it makes weight loss harder. I have struggled with weight loss, it disappears so so slowly. I identify with many of the items that are on the different check lists so I think that this test is definitely on the right track.

Are there any other people on here that struggle with that as well and if so, what are some of your tips and techniques that have proven more successful for you?

Thank you for any tips, camaraderie,etc. you can provide. This all feels quite strange to me right now.


  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    I have suspected adrenal fatigue in myself, but never got tested. Cutting back caffeine seems to help with fatigue, and ashwaghanda is supposed to help.
  • meshaffer
    meshaffer Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks! I cannot have caffeine for a neurological condition (I sneak it in sometimes). What is ashwaghanda? I am intrigued.