Is anyone else battling a chronic pain condition



  • mistydawn1118
    mistydawn1118 Posts: 12 Member
    Just got the news that I will have to have rotator cuff surgery. I am an emotional eater and this is definitely emotional. I work with my hands everyday. I have been denied for SSDI even tho they say I am legally disabled. I won't be able to afford the surgery or the time off of work. Along with my daily Fibro pain I don't know if I can handle this.
  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    I have Fibromyalgia. I am depressed and anxious and overeating to soothe myself. I used to play tennis but now that kind of activity can make me feel like I've been hit by a truck. So... I am back on here and definitely needing some support as well.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I have chronic pain from Crohn's disease- abdominal and joint pain
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I have lupus and because of it arthritis. When I started logging my food daily a year ago I weighed 270 lbs and was completely immobilized by heart inflammation. I lost my first 30 lbs being unable to move at all. When I started feeling well enough to try exercise, I was able to walk 1/8 mile only every few days. As the weight came off, it became easier to move.

    Right now I think I look great. I'm down 70 lbs. I totally credit being able to track my calories. Tracking my movement has also motivated me to do a bit every day.. and that little bit has added up.

    I still have days when the pain really is too much and when my lupus is out of control. I try to do a *little* even on those days. Today was one of those days. But I realize its the healthy pattern of eating and movement I've set that will give me the best shot at a good life in the future.
    LJNCLJJL Posts: 2 Member
    Hi.... I am 62 now and have had the unfortunate circumstance of nerve damage in my pelvis due to surgery back in 2007. I am not sure how I do it. There are days where I actually question how I am going to grow old. My case is very complicated and won't bore you with details here...except to know the nerve damage caused muscles in my rectum to weaken and I had to have a colostomy. Very tough price to pay. Yet, I am a very positive person and even though I gained 60 lbs dealing with all this stress, I am determined this year to loose this weight. I log every ounce of food I eat since 1/1 and I am in the middle of recovering after a total knee replacement that I had on 12/14. I had the other one done 3 years ago; I was 60 lbs lighter and OMG, do I feel the difference . I am not giving up. I would love some friends on this website for support.
    Please feel free to friend me. I have been thru hell and back and I am going to make this year a good one!! I feel for you being so young raising a child. Must be do hard ., hang in there...
  • a_new_life_2016
    a_new_life_2016 Posts: 17 Member
    I think we're all doing great keep up the good work everyone. If we're strong enough to battle pain and illnesses everyday, were strong enough to lose a pound a week.......x
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia too, though I think there might be something else going on. So many doctors appointments! So little time!

    At any rate, I'm about 50 pounds overweight which is certainly complicating my struggles with chronic pain. I'm glad to find others who are on this journey too, because losing weight is so difficult with limited mobility. Positive vibes to everyone, and feel free to add me as a MFP friend!
  • yelliep
    yelliep Posts: 1 Member
    Hello- I'd like to be friends. I have CRPS after two falls down the stairs and a back issue. Im disabled and the meds and steroids caused me to gain 60 lbs. the lack of activity and depression that caused me to crave carbs for 8mos didn't help either, but I used to weigh around 120 and now I'm around 190, even after cutting my meds from 40mg of methadone to 20mg I've lost a lot of swelling so my clothes fit better, but the scale doesn't move no matter how well behaved my diet is!

    Does it just take time? Do you have any secrets? I'm 30 and it's so hard to be disabled, let alone lost my body. I'm big on research and doctors. Maybe we could trade information. :)

    Ps your dog is super cute.
