What's your favorite book?

distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
What do you love about it?


  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    The Stand

    Was a bit cheesy, but So many sides to the story and the mystery and fight for survival, new love and friendship along with the good vs evil

    They did a great job picking the characters on the movie!
  • heelsandlifting
    heelsandlifting Posts: 648 Member
    Read it when I was 15, been hooked on Stephen King ever since :)
  • heelsandlifting
    heelsandlifting Posts: 648 Member
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Read it when I was 15, been hooked on Stephen King ever since :)

    Marry me....!

    Altough i hated the movie, i am a huge SK fan
    I agree, the movie did not do the book justice! Lol

  • heelsandlifting
    heelsandlifting Posts: 648 Member
    I hate clowns and they scare me too, but that wasn't what did it for me, the original Poltergeist, watched it when I was 5, been terrified ever since :(
  • heelsandlifting
    heelsandlifting Posts: 648 Member
    I haven't either, I don't get to read much nowadays given my occupation I have a very busy schedule but, The Shining is one of my absolute favorites as well. I love how detailed all of his books are! I like having a mental picture and some of the things they omit from the movies after reading the books you're like, oh! Okay! I get it now. I have not read The Green Mile yet. It was on one of my reading lists but I never got around to it, I like his darker stuff though. Storm of the Century, that's another good one :)
  • heelsandlifting
    heelsandlifting Posts: 648 Member
    I have not read under the dome but I did watch one episode and it was pretty bad :neutral:
  • just_silk
    just_silk Posts: 105 Member
    Hannibal by Thomas Harris.
    Lecter was always such an interesting and brilliantly written antagonist and this was the book that gave you so much insight.
  • sw33tp3a15
    sw33tp3a15 Posts: 1,674 Member
    edited January 2016
    Read it when I was 15, been hooked on Stephen King ever since :)

    I love Stephen King. He's a genius. I've read a few of his novels. I've been stuck reading Needful Things for years lol I can't seem to finish that one.

  • hollysandersonx
    hollysandersonx Posts: 64 Member
    P.s I love you.
    I just can't help myself, I love it, I would read it and cry on the train haha
  • sw33tp3a15
    sw33tp3a15 Posts: 1,674 Member
    P.s I love you.
    I just can't help myself, I love it, I would read it and cry on the train haha

    Yes!!!! I've read this about a thousand times lol

    My favorite novel has to be A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. Read it a million times and I still shed a tear or two when I see the movie lol

  • hollysandersonx
    hollysandersonx Posts: 64 Member
    sw33tp3a15 wrote: »
    P.s I love you.
    I just can't help myself, I love it, I would read it and cry on the train haha

    Yes!!!! I've read this about a thousand times lol

    My favorite novel has to be A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. Read it a million times and I still shed a tear or two when I see the movie lol

    I've never read it!! I'm going to! I also want to read The Notebook!
  • rlpomeroy
    rlpomeroy Posts: 670 Member
    I wouldn't say I have a favorite book, but some favorite authors. I'm reading Ashley Bell by Dean Koontz right now. I really liked his whole Odd Thomas series. Vince Flynn is another favorite...John Sandford...
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    Right now, its 11.22.63 by Stephen King. I've read it twice, and am currently listening to the audiobook, hoping to finish in time for the mini-series that's coming out soon, which I'm super freaking excited about! The story is fantastic, and I'd strongly recommend it. Its not a horror, more a sci-fi I guess, as its about a guy that travels back in time to try and intervene in a particular huge event in history. The characters are fantastically well developed, and you get sucked right in from early on.

    I've been a massive fan of SK since I was a kid, when one of my older friends gave me three of his books to try - IT, The Stand, and 'Salems Lot.

    Another of my favourite books has also been mentioned in this thread - Odd Thomas, by Dean Koontz. The whole series is amazing but the first book is the best, in my opinion. I think its the first time a horror novel has broken my heart!

    Also, I'm a total (blood?) sucker for the Vampire Chronicles series by Anne Rice. Straight after reading Interview With The Vampire (I was around 15), I jumped on the bus to my local book store to see if they had any more. I read the first 4 books in the series in just over a week.

    I am a total book hoarder though, so I might name others as favourites depending on the day, ha ha. I've got around 650(ish) books at home, and a Kindle full aswell (some of which I have 'real copies' of).

    Sorry for the long post, total book nerd here

  • sw33tp3a15
    sw33tp3a15 Posts: 1,674 Member
    Right now, its 11.22.63 by Stephen King. I've read it twice, and am currently listening to the audiobook, hoping to finish in time for the mini-series that's coming out soon, which I'm super freaking excited about! The story is fantastic, and I'd strongly recommend it. Its not a horror, more a sci-fi I guess, as its about a guy that travels back in time to try and intervene in a particular huge event in history. The characters are fantastically well developed, and you get sucked right in from early on.

    I've been a massive fan of SK since I was a kid, when one of my older friends gave me three of his books to try - IT, The Stand, and 'Salems Lot.

    Another of my favourite books has also been mentioned in this thread - Odd Thomas, by Dean Koontz. The whole series is amazing but the first book is the best, in my opinion. I think its the first time a horror novel has broken my heart!

    Also, I'm a total (blood?) sucker for the Vampire Chronicles series by Anne Rice. Straight after reading Interview With The Vampire (I was around 15), I jumped on the bus to my local book store to see if they had any more. I read the first 4 books in the series in just over a week.

    I am a total book hoarder though, so I might name others as favourites depending on the day, ha ha. I've got around 650(ish) books at home, and a Kindle full aswell (some of which I have 'real copies' of).

    Sorry for the long post, total book nerd here


    Can I come over and browse your home library? Lol
  • BostonBanter74
    BostonBanter74 Posts: 27 Member
    I have two. Too Kill a Mocking Bird. (Was forced to because it was for school, but this was the first book I read from start to finish and got me into reading). Desperation by Stephen King (the first book I read for enjoyment)
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Trumpet by Jackie Kay. I love everything about it.
  • ThatFatAsianNerd
    ThatFatAsianNerd Posts: 1,415 Member
    Since I've joined MFP, I've given up on reading books. I just tear up phone books with my bare hands. Books r 4 losers!
  • dgoodie92
    dgoodie92 Posts: 624 Member
    The entire sword of truth series
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    dgoodie92 wrote: »
    The entire sword of truth series

    Is it good the whole way through? I read the first 3 books a while back and fell off. I planned to go back to them but I was a little discouraged when I was told by someone that the series gets progressively worse as it goes. I didn't have a good read on how well he liked the earlier books so I don't know how to interpret his claim. If I enjoyed the first few, can I expect more of the same in the later books?
  • tillman1952
    tillman1952 Posts: 4 Member
    Just about anything by Brandon Sanderson.