
Hey guys my first week going well 4 pound off so far , long way to go but ya gotta to somewhere . Keep going xx


  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Wow. Thats a lot. Well done and welcome.
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    I was having a moment of weakness so I weighed myself n was like oh !! Ok !! Let's keep going haha xx
  • FitSpongebob
    FitSpongebob Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, what sort of exercise are you doing?
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    Well er mmm none ! Yet !!!! I work in A&e 13 hour shifts and take dogs out everyday . That's as movey as I get ! ( is movey even a word )
  • FitSpongebob
    FitSpongebob Posts: 315 Member
    Ha ha I like movey as a word.
    Depends how you want exercise really and how much you want to lose?
    Remember it's fat you want to lose not weight
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ok so I want all the fat gone I get chest pain just hearing the word exercise
  • MeganBall2242
    MeganBall2242 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi :smile: newbie here too! Been on this for a week now, massive cravings for chocolate but managing to ignore them (just about!). Long way to go but feeling really motivated so fingers crossed! Good luck to you too :smiley: xx
  • FitSpongebob
    FitSpongebob Posts: 315 Member
    Haha it's good when you get into it I assure you. I can totally help but there's a bit of prep to before you start.
    Add me and I'll help you out :)
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Megan am only day 4 n able lost a few pounds so far ! Only 3478633788 to go !!! I think
    I added you Am not sure
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2016
    Why does only post half e my replies !!!
  • kevin_bvbfan
    kevin_bvbfan Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome. I'm new here also. No specific weight goal for me. I'm more interested in body composition and how I feel. I like how the app helps me track my diet, I figure that's the best starting point to see what I need to work on
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm four days in n lost 4lb?!!?!! So loving it at the min x
  • GsKiki
    GsKiki Posts: 392 Member
    Wow great progress! Good luck with your goal :)
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you ❤️❤️ mission skinny is go go go
  • prettyeyez55
    prettyeyez55 Posts: 45 Member
    Great progress! Keep it up! I am getting back on again. Totally fell off but time to go and not look back!! Good Luck with all you goals!
  • STenley513
    STenley513 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi and welcome! Everyone can add me!!
  • FitSpongebob
    FitSpongebob Posts: 315 Member
    Make sure you eat the right things as you lose as you'll more than likely be losing lean muscle rather than fat. People think because their scales tell them they're losing weight, it most probably isn't fat they're losing.
    You need to keep muscle mass while losing fat. The only way to do that is to keep up protein intake.
  • Livialia
    Livialia Posts: 3 Member
    Keep up the good work.
    That is so motivating
  • mutant80
    mutant80 Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome and good luck on the journey. And 4 lbs lost without excersise I must say little envious lol I'm joking that's awesome just imagine when you do incorporate it
  • throssboss123
    throssboss123 Posts: 32 Member
    I do work 13 hour shifts in a busy A&e so I guess I kinda have been moving my chubby *kitten* a fair bit