Post here if you're looking for new MFP friends!



  • jessb02
    jessb02 Posts: 2 Member
    I am brand new, just about got the hang of logging in my food. At the beginning I kept forgetting and now I am quite addicted. Love the macros bit. Trying to keep my carbs down! Need some MFP Friends!!! v :)
  • Gilly130
    Gilly130 Posts: 5 Member
    Just started MFP please feel free to add me if you have open diaries so I can look for meal ideas , see where I'm going wrong & general motivation , weighing in at 184lb want to get to 150lb ish
  • DiviturLabimur
    DiviturLabimur Posts: 768 Member
    Just started here and wouldn't mind having a few more friends to help with motivation. I'm also good at giving motivation so feel free to add me.
  • blueberry_pie35
    blueberry_pie35 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me!!