30 Day Shred - Day 1

Last night I saw a ton of different success stories and pictures from people who completed 30DS and I was amazed! I have owned 30DS for a couple years now, and never got past the first few days. I guess I thought it would never really work. But I am totally committed to completing this workout now that I've seen so many success stories!

For those of you who have completed or in the process of completing the Shred, do you have any advice as to how to keep going??? I feel so discouraged whenever I start the program that I just give up. What keeps you going when Jillian keeps yelling at you to "work it, ladies!"?

BTW I'm also working my way through C25K and am loving it! I'm hoping to do both 30DS and C25K for my workout schedules.


  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Have you tried joining one of the threads for 30DS in the Fitness and Exercise section? I know I started one and people joined in and said they'd do it with me and that is what keeps me motivated because I know that I need to check in everyday and post how it's going for me. The others that are doing it with me understand what I'm going through, the soreness, the results etc. I just finished day 3 today, but I love having other people to keep me dedicated and so I don't give up!

    Looking at success stories and pictures really help too!

    Also, don't be discouraged, it's a learning process, we all can't be as great as Jillian is at the exercises, take it slow and one day at a time! You can do it!
  • ParisPenguin
    ParisPenguin Posts: 39 Member
    I just ordered this with one of my friends who is also on MFP. I heard great things, but am nervous to try it. I, like you, feel that I will be dejected and frustrated and not keep going. My sister did the P90X workouts, and she would yell back at the tv, "Take that, Tony! I'll punch you in your face!" when she was needing to do punches and kicks, etc.

    Talk back to Jillian. She's got nothing on you!

    Mine should show up in a few days, but I'll check back to see how it's going for you!

    You can do it! Keep up the good work!
  • nikkialexander828
    nikkialexander828 Posts: 17 Member
    today will be day 7 for me, and after the first 2 days i could barely walk. but after that it got easier and i dont even feel sore hardley at all anymore. now granted, i havent started level 2 yet, but my motivation for keeping it up is that i always used to give up on things like this when it got too hard, and i would make excuses not to do it, and now i want to show myself that i can actually stick with this and see it through. oh and curiosity too, i want to see the difference at the end of the 30 days!
  • SandersWifey
    SandersWifey Posts: 387
    I am on day 15 of the 30DS (D5 of L2) and joining one of the groups that are doing it has really kept me motivated and the thought of being able to say that I actually stuck w it and finished the whole 30 days is a big motivator for me!!

    To keep going w it, after a few days into the level, when I have the routine down pretty well, I mute or turn down Jillian and play my own music!!! I get so tired of her voice!!! Also playing my own music sometimes helps me get through a tough circuit!

    Good luck!!:bigsmile:
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    I definitely recommend that you take measurements NOW! At halfway through I had lost 3.5 inches! THAT is what keeps me going with it! Not to mention it's the first thing I've done that's actually shaping up my abs from having kids!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member

    For those of you who have completed or in the process of completing the Shred, do you have any advice as to how to keep going??? I feel so discouraged whenever I start the program that I just give up. What keeps you going when Jillian keeps yelling at you to "work it, ladies!"?

    Well..she's not talking to me, 'cuz I'm a guy. :)

    I do what she says anyway!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I started it in early June and OMG did everything hurt. Not ache, HURT!!! I'm doing C25K too and am on W5D2 (seriously, where did 8 minutes of running come from?).
    I'd love to join a thread where people start today or tomorrow. With anything, it's your mindset. You CAN complete the whole workout. You WILL feel better (eventually). You ARE able to keep up with Jilian (PS - yelling back at her is a great idea).
  • dbrashers
    dbrashers Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for all the support! I just finished my first workout, and thought I was going to die! So during the workout, I muted the video and played my own workout tunes, and it went so well! I think from now own I have to listen to my own motivational tunes than Jillian.

    Thanks again!