Feedback on the Biggest Loser Kinect Work-out

smile72101 Posts: 26 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey there everyone?! So I have been doing this "life change" for about 5-6 weeks now. I am down 9.5lbs which isn't huge but I have been going to the YMCA 3-4x a week. This is new to me, I have never been an active person and good reason why I got so heavy but none the less I am looking for feedback.

I am a mom of two daughters and need something that I can do at home on the days that I am not going to the gym. I have been wanting to buy the Biggest Loser Kinect Game but wanted to see if anyone else out there likes it, uses it, hates it etc....

I appreciate your feedback!



  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    bump i have bought it and its still in the packaging :embarassed:
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Oh, I'm interested as well. I have the Kinect Adventures thing it came with and love it.
  • dopey81
    dopey81 Posts: 17
    I would also like to the know the answer to this. I have the Biggest Loser for the Wii and really like but we just bought the Kinect and don't know if I should buy it for that as well.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I have not personally tried it, but my best friend has it and LOVES it. She's lost almost 50lbs between that and eating clean. Best of luck!
  • aml31
    aml31 Posts: 57
    I have used it. I like it however the sensor bar is kinda irritating. especially when your doing floor exercises sometimes it won't show you doing it. says try harder even when your doing the exact same thing. I have not played in about 2 months because of this but it is pretty cool when it does wanna work right.
  • smile72101
    smile72101 Posts: 26 Member
    :wink: I saw it used on the Biggest Loser Show and really liked how it will correct you if the form isn't correct etc. I REALLY hate spending the money but think it will be worth the investment. A friend has it as well but hasn't really used it lol....

    I just don't always like going to the gym and figured if I can find something I can do here as well that is perfect! I am hoping to get it this weekend so I will keep you posted if I do get it before we get feedback!
  • smile72101
    smile72101 Posts: 26 Member
    Good to know....Our bar is "lower" on the entertainment stand so maybe it will pick it up easier. I know when we use it with other games we have to raise it..

    I appreciate the feedback!

  • If you have LIVE, you can download a demo for it under the Kinect games. :) I've only tried the demo and I like it. It's a bit different each time you use it, but I don't how all of the other features are for it.
  • clothcat
    clothcat Posts: 8
    I bought it about a month ago. Good things about it: you feel like you've done exercise, I get very sweaty and need lots of water; when the sensor picks you up it's really good at helping you find form; you are given daily and weekly tasks as well to keep you on your toes. Bad things: the senser doesn't always pick you up, especially on the floor exercises and if you increase the length of your workout it just cycles round it again rather than giving you different exercises. Overall though, I'd say it's worth the money.
  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
  • CelticDestiny
    CelticDestiny Posts: 61 Member
    I have it and I LOVE most parts of it! I don't like the way it tracks you. I could be doing the exercise exactly as the trainer is on tv but the sensor keeps saying "follow the trainer" because it doesn't "see" me. It could be the lighting I have in the room though. But since it doesn't track right the calories burned that it shows you is completely off. I purchased a HRM (watch style only) to check the calories the game was telling me. One night it said that I burned 198 when my HRM said I burned 480 in 30 minutes. I just couldn't believe that I was working my butt off and only burning 198. The interface could be a little better too.

    Those things aren't enough for me to not like it though. The workouts kick my butt so bad. When I first started using it I was so sore. Now it's getting a little easier but it is very effective. There is also a lot of different options that you can choose as far as what type of routine you want. I have only tried the light and moderate settings and haven't done a lot of the extras yet. I haven't been using it very long. For me it was a good purchase. Good luck!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I haven't seen and I don't know anything about it. Something I like to do at home is Yoga. I have Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss with Suzanne Deason. It's great because they show you four different levels of difficulty and you can follow along at which ever level you would be at. I do other workouts as well, but I find this one to be a great one because you may not feel like you are working hard, but you are. It helps you build strength, confidence and burns calories. If you have done a harder workout the day before, you could choose to do the yoga, more for stretching out and balancing your body. Stay focused on your goals and have fun!
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    Have it and love it!
    My family has a busy schedule, and I can't always make it to the gym, and the weather is only "nice" for 3 months a year up here, so I do a lot of workout videos. I get so bored with them fast though, same thing every day. Biggest loser changes up every day, so I love it for that.
    Sensor doesn't always pick you up right, that can be a little annoying, but you're still getting your burn even if Jillian is saying "who is giving me attitude?!" lol. But I would say it picks me up correctly a lot more than it doesn't. My daughter stands by me sometimes and dances so she can see herself on your little character's place(she is 3), so it affects my overall game score because of that, but I'm not playing against anyone, so that is fine.

    I play the full game, which means I pick my intensity and time at the beginning of the week, it does a weigh in, a challenge, and an elimination at the end of the week. You can choose all over focus(I do) or pick to focus on certain parts of your body. You can pick a amount of time anywhere from 15 min, to 2 hours. You can pick a specific trainer, or pick both and they will take turns training you.

    You can go in and do quick play, which you can pick what kind of exercise you want to do right then, the intensity, who will train you, and for how long.

    It tells you how many calories you're burning roughly based on your height/weight, I use those estimates when inputting exercise on MFP, but when I get a HRM I'll use that.

    If you have xbox live, you can find other people to workout with, we have xbox live, but all our friends on there are my husband's friends, and they don't want to play biggest loser. lol, plus even though I try to play as soon as I get home everyday, that doesn't always happen.
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    Well, I just got a HRM monitor today, and I am buring a hell of a lot more calories than it calculated. Yay!
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    I have and think it is excellent! I am usually sore for at least two days after I do it. I had been logging in 1 1/2 hours on it one to two times a week and absolutely soaking wet halfway through. It's a good workout, but you do get out what you put into it. I normally do circuit training for 45-50 minutes and then go hardcore into the challenges. The levels let you determine how hard you want to workout. Honestly I stay on Moderate....I tried Challenging once and was super sore.
    All in all, its a great workout! Good Luck!
  • McRebecca
    McRebecca Posts: 72
    I have it.. And I love it.. It's challenging and informative. I also think its fun, it lets you build your character, you can do challenges alone or against friends or even strangers. You earn badges and kudos too. I love that it tracks my progress and there are different stages and different TYPES of activities so you don't get bored!

    The HARDEST part for me.. is fighting for XBox time with my kids.

    I also like to play the Adventures with the kids, the track and field is a GREAT instant heart rate increase and SO fun!
  • Leigh_mc
    Leigh_mc Posts: 46 Member
    Yes i do like it! i always used the wii for exercise games and got annoyed when it wasn't picking up the wii remote and stuff like that, so i went out and bought the kinect with biggest loser, and yes at first it was not picking up any of the floor exercise's but after a little moving of the sensor and adjusting the light on it etc, i think i have it in the perfect place, and have a great work out every time, although the first work out i did was the belly buster workout (chose it by mistake) and my god did it bust my belly i thought i was going to die i was calling bob all the names under the sun!!!! lol
    I would recommend it to be honest, i find it much better than any of the wii ones, much more accurate!
  • I have been wondering about the accuracy with the "On screen" calorie tracker. I know there are times where I'm working hard (butt kicks) where the stupid Kinect doesn't want to see me and I'm huffing and puffing away!! On average, the kinect says I burn 200 calories in 30 min of my workout. Is it safe to assume I probably burned more? I used the EA Sports Active 2 for several months, but had issues with my back and TBL offers a more diverse program that I could tailor around my injury. Regardless, I love the game, and I work out 3-5 times a week. I've lost 46lbs using nothing but my livingroom and good food choices. :) If you need a workout buddy, add me on xbox live!
  • i know this is an old thread, but didn't want to start a new one, since my topic and question is the same! :)

    I just got the BL workout for Xbox 360 Kinect, and have done the first two days. It doesn't seem to like my jogging, even though i'm working harder and bigger (I think) than the trainer.. but all the rest of the exercises are spot on.

    I love how they can really train me.. seeing if I'm not bending low enough, how and when to breathe etc, water breaks.

    The only frustrating thing I've found is when you are on the menu screen, and filling out your diaries, the hand sensor is not very good.. even if you hold your hand perfectly still on one of the options, it bounces around.

    I know it's working, cause I was sweating, heart was pounding, and my butt hurts today!

    the calorie counting seems off to me too, so I've been using "circuit training" here on MFP to figure out my calories burned.. does that seem about right to the rest of you who are BL Kinect users?? Any feedback is appreciated!
  • Spook_Nuke_Em
    Spook_Nuke_Em Posts: 408 Member
    My folks just bought it for me for my bday. I Can't wait to try it. I do insanity right now and it kicks my butt. This should be fun from what I've read. Thanks
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