Looking for new friends

I have been on and off myfitness pal for years and love it, but I really do not have any friends on here anymore. I would love to help motivate and also would like the support of fellow peers looking to accomplish weight loss as well :) Ultimately I would LOVE to lose 45 pounds. I am getting married in June and want to look and feel stunning :)


  • wdunnett1
    wdunnett1 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • ehrenlynae7
    ehrenlynae7 Posts: 63 Member
    I'll send you a request! I have about 75 to lose and I'm determined to make it stick or rather fall off this time
  • BonnieMontgomery
    BonnieMontgomery Posts: 2 Member
    I'm game! My initial goal was 10 lbs during Christmas break; I met it with 4 days to spare! Next goal is 10 more by Valentine's Day.
  • jnertoli
    jnertoli Posts: 17 Member
    What kind of plan are you guys following? Right now I am doing 1200 calories. I am down 3 lbs this week.
  • luvmyabu
    luvmyabu Posts: 3 Member
    Add me... I need all of the support I can get!
  • JinxedyJinx
    JinxedyJinx Posts: 50 Member
    Add me, please! I'm looking for new friends also!
  • luvmyabu
    luvmyabu Posts: 3 Member
    I have about 70 more to lose. I am diabetic, type 2 - and was put on insulin about a month ago. I want (and need of course) to get down to a healthy weight.
    Right now - I am trying to eat only 45 grams of carbs for each meal. And 2 snacks during the day - with no more than 15 grams of carbs.
    So far - since I was put on insulin I have lost about 5 pounds. I am in need of all the motivational support I can get!!
  • Pnuttiest
    Pnuttiest Posts: 11 Member
    I'm targeting 1 pound per week, and using 1200 calories per day. Feel free to add me to your Friends. I have been on this website for a while, but I think some accountability buddies would be helpful.
  • jnertoli
    jnertoli Posts: 17 Member
    I have tried to follow carbs and i just cant get the hang of it so calories is easier for me :)
    I am the type of person who needs someone to report to lol
  • Browneyedgirl140
    Browneyedgirl140 Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add. Congrats on the upcoming wedding. We have about the same amount to lose, I would love to lose 35 by September.
  • jnertoli
    jnertoli Posts: 17 Member
    I would even be happy with -35! 45 would be my absolute dream goal and that would put me at 150
  • cattykat1
    cattykat1 Posts: 8 Member
    I will add you! I'm looking to loose about 25 lbs by May, not really sure if that's do-able but it's a goal!
  • stacyd0514
    stacyd0514 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new to MFP and could really use some friends and support as well. I've always struggled with my weight but after having kids I just keep putting on the lbs. and now I'm at my heaviest. I'm so depressed and feel helpless. I need to loose 75+ pounds to feel like my old self again. It would be great to have someone else keep me motivated. Good luck with your journey and congrats on the up coming wedding.
  • jnertoli
    jnertoli Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! Kids made me go from 130-235 lol. I lost 50 lbs a couple years ago and recently gained 20 back :(
  • cfforbes327
    cfforbes327 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm also looking to lose around 40 pounds and need all the help and motivation I can get!
  • Nayda11
    Nayda11 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I am trying to lose 55 more pounds. I slacked off during the holidays and am trying to make up for it.
  • premeela
    premeela Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me as well :smiley:
  • Shesaleo18
    Shesaleo18 Posts: 126 Member
    You can add me. I would add you but don't know how
  • HannahAldo
    HannahAldo Posts: 9 Member
    Add me too :) had my daughter 3 years ago and still haven't lost the weight, have a wedding coming up and could really do with people holding me accountable!
  • jnertoli
    jnertoli Posts: 17 Member
    Well my baby is 6 lol and still carry baby weight. When is you wedding? How much are you trying to lose?