Back in the game and looking for connections!

ClimbingZack Posts: 35 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Greetings all! After some time away - I was an active MFP user for the better part of 2 years from 2012-2014 - I'm getting back in the game.

-I dropped off of MFP because it had become more about the social aspect and less about health for me. Don't get me wrong, I learned a lot from others on here, got fantastic support, and was in the BEST shape of my life...but that's just the issue: I "figured out" the fitness portion and didn't need MFP any more for the tangible and intangible health benefits.

-Since '14, I've moved from Ohio to South Carolina to Virginia, changed jobs twice, and am now in a job that I love...yet it keeps me sedentary most of the time. I have to make conscious decisions to take walk breaks and get up from my desk in order to get some level of activity in!

-From my low of ~164 lbs and ripped, the weight has gradually...slowly...surely come back on. Post holidays I'm now at 180 lbs and am fully aware I've become "skinny fat" or "dadbod" once more. I'm not ok with that, so I need your help.

I look forward to getting to know you and helping make each other better than we were yesterday!

PLEASE include a note with any friend requests! Thanks!


  • modestashegets
    modestashegets Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome back! Glad to hear you found a job you love. It is like finding the Holy Grail. :) Good luck!
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Welcome back! Staying in shape is a constant journey. Feel free to add is so important!
  • ClimbingZack
    ClimbingZack Posts: 35 Member
    Many thanks!