Need to lose 30 lbs

Just saying...need to lose 30 lbs and I need to relate to people who have more drive and motivation to push. I need a motivator and it goes both ways. I'm open to discussion and feel free to add me. Thanks


  • lindsey_pierce
    lindsey_pierce Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm a 22 year old that also wants to lose 30 pounds but I'm focusing on ten at a time! I would love to get through this with someone if you're interested in being my buddie! I'm not a creeper just a young adult needing some motivation as well! Please feel free to add or email me at
  • sarahregnier
    sarahregnier Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm 33, wedding in June. I would LOVE to drop 30lbs, but I think 20 is more realistic. Feel free to add me as well and perhaps I'll stick to tracking :)
  • K81964
    K81964 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to lose 30lbs too, and in truth I probably need to, however I am done with setting myself goals i can't achieve in a time frame that encourages me, so....I set myself a lower goal and then adjust it when I hit it. So each week I celebrate a goal, re-adjust , set the next and hit it. Keeps me motivated, its the old saying - how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time :)
    1lb is my goal.even with holidays and Christmas I should manage to lose 1lb 30 times out of 52?
  • mejisanti
    mejisanti Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose 30. Maybe more. But 30 will be awesome to start.
  • gaw821
    gaw821 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm aiming for about 20-25lbs before my wedding! Weighing in at 170lbs (5'6") atm but carrying lots of muscle so even when I was at my lightest I was still 147lbs. Makes me feel quite guilty seeing people on here with 147 as their start weight and getting down to 115 or something! Waaa :(
  • rloraine2
    rloraine2 Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome guys! I tried to keep my daily calorie intake at 1200-1400 to lose 8lbs in 5 weeks. I think these is achievable. I usually get disappointed when I don't see any results but I just started this week. So let's keep connected and inspire each other. My weakness is chocolate and ice cream. What's yours? I'm excited to hear about your goals also.

  • OlesyaWomack
    OlesyaWomack Posts: 1 Member
    Hello guys! I need to lose 30lbls too. I try to keep my daily calories intake at 1200 and not more 1600. Also I do fitness classes everyday since 3th January. Please feel free to add me.
  • mugofire
    mugofire Posts: 110 Member
    I am pretty much there as well. Please add me as well... and others if you would like.
  • emzerkate
    emzerkate Posts: 27 Member
    I'm with you..25 - 30lbs to lose for Wedding end of April.. I have an 11 week old baby so hence the extra weight to lose.. Im sticking to 1200 a day at the moment but it's only day 6 so I'll see how the weigh-in goes.. Feel free to add.. Need loads of friends for accountability please..
  • maggie_eats
    maggie_eats Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in too!
  • ionamcintyre
    ionamcintyre Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in, feel free to add me (I want to lose another 24lb before June)
  • clippergear
    clippergear Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in if you'd like. I need to lose way more than you do and am starting this Monday, with exercise and dieting (I know that's a horrible word), um let's say, a change in food intake.
  • Same here. End of April goal is about 30lbs (20 would be okay), total about 45 by end of summer. sticking to max of 1600 cals a day, 1200 min. weakness is salty/fatty foods- so im eliminating (along w/sugar) chips and crackers and such.