New here, but not new to dieting...

Hi, my name is Pam. I have been gaining and losing the same 70 lbs. for 22 years! I am now (again) down to 44 lbs. left to go to goal weight, which is 120. For me, at only 5' tall, I look and feel my best at that weight. I've been down to as low as 98 lbs. soaking wet, and look sickly. The dieting part of it, I've got that down pat, I really do not overeat and do not eat the "wrong" things (i.e. no: breads, chips, candies, cakes, etc.; lots of: veggies, fruits, chicken, tuna, fish, eggs). My problem is that I do not get enough EXERCISE, and my sleep habits suck. I am looking to add friends who will keep me motivated to exercise, provide good fitness tips, and also those who are experiencing my same struggles in the battle of the bulge. Feel free to add me! Thanks!
