30 Day Shred -- Who wants to join?

Hi everyone! I have been trying really hard lately to get myself motivated to work out and the only thing that seems to be helping is reading about the awesome results almost everyone has had from Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred". I am determined to get in shape before my beach trip in August but my determination and motivation are not working together. I ordered the 30 day shred and should be getting it by Tuesday (June 21st) which is the first day of summer. I wanted to reach out to others who have done the 30 day shred and see what kind of results they got as well as invite others to start the 30 day journey with me on Tuesday. I hope we can all motivate each other to kick some serious butt for 30 days straight!!!


  • roberta_strick33
    roberta_strick33 Posts: 2 Member
    I love it! i did it for almost a month before i went to hawaii this winter and i saw great results! i am starting it again, i am on day 3. Lets keep eachother motivated. I keep telling myself, its only 20 minutes, and its easy. i like that she switches it up all the time. good luck!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    I just started my first day yesterday! I can say Jillian kicked my butt!! I can totally feel it today. Just a little sore in my legs, but I'm thinking I will be alot more sore tomorrow!!
    I will put my measurements and weight when I finish! Hoping to see great results. I lost over 50# in 8 months, but the last 8 months I have only lost an additional 10#. SO, time to step it up and I think Jillian's gonna help me do it!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im on day 4!
    I wasnt going to do it but i found this amazing post of results..
    I would post the link but it seems to have disappeared...
  • AlwaysLightlyOver
    I want to join!

    I did the video pretty consistently for about 2 weeks or so, and got up to level 2 comfortably - but then I stopped doing the video about a month, and when I tried to pick it up at level 2 recently, it'd become too difficult. I'm going to start at level 1 again tonight!
  • Frumpy2Fit
    Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks for the responses everyone!!! It would be great to keep each other motivated to do the full 30 days and post our results. Let me know how everyone is doing! Hopefully we can all keep each other on track!!!
  • carrieann58
    I got the video a couple of weeks ago and did it like three times. I want to get the motivation to start again so count me in!!!