Is this where you go for the motivation?

What motivates you?

I'm motivated by looking forward to a little soreness/tightness from workouts, making personal gains, having energy for my kids and leaving my wife incapable of keeping her hands off me!


  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    My very basic motivation is not to die early.

    I believe we all have a destined maximum time on this earth, and we can support that schedule by making healthful choices or we can take time away by having a weak and vulnerable body. Everyone has their own definition of health, I mean very basics: be active for a strong heart and eat a variety of foods with vitamins and minerals for nourishment.

    I worry about my bones making it to age 70. I worry what condition my heart may be in when I'm 45. If I don't take steps now, I can almost bet I will be my aunt. She's not old, mid 50's. Her heart is shot, never exercised in her life. She was very heavy in her 20s. Developed diabetes in her teens (I have avoided this so far, who knows how), lost the weight literally by starving. She has kept it off, but not to her body's benefit. Has been a skeleton for 25 years. She has lost a large portion of her foot to her disease, can't hardly walk across a room because of how poor her feet are doing due to the disease and her heart just could never pump strong or often enough to get her truly moving. My boyfriend's grandma has been In a mobility scooter for 15yrs because she's just so fat she can't walk.

    Knowing that at least once, each of these women looked in a mirror and took stock of their life and chose not to change their path. Maybe they didn't know for certain they'd spend the last 20-30 years of their lives trapped in bodies that are broken and unable to be repaired. Maybe there never was a moment where they realized they had control over these factors that lead to their current conditions but I am having those moments daily and am reminded that I'm young and need to get with it before I'm so far down those same roads that I decide it's better to just trod along so limited.
  • ronflournoy498
    ronflournoy498 Posts: 12 Member
    Here's to never settling for trodding along!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    @brb2008. Wow. Sad stories and each one could have made a choice for trying to improve health before it was too late.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Good for you brb2008.