Lunch blox 21 day fix container style

So I am interested in utilizing a 21 day fix style portions with lunch blox in my food prep for the week. Does anyone know really anything of how to do this? I gather the side blox can be used for the fruit/ veg. The salad dressing blox from the entree kit for nuts/seeds. The mini blox for starch/ carb. And for protein I guess the entree or sandwhich blox. The salad blox for salads I guess. But I wonder would you need this like this for 5x a day? For the 7 days a week. I like to do the 5 meals a day and food prep for 7 days if I am able.

Thanks for any help!


  • lindsayp79
    lindsayp79 Posts: 48 Member
    21 Day has specific serving sizes for each container. I don't think they are equal to the lunchblox. For example 1 cup equals 1 green, 3/4 c. equals 1 Red and so on.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I know. None of the containers I found line up with th measures.