A moment of feeling discouraged

Hey guys. I'm only in my second month of weight loss and I'm already feeling discouraged. I'm down 16 lbs in 2 months. I don't know how much more I can expect. Logically, I know this is a slow process and I know I'm doing great. I just feel like I was hoping to look much different in 3 months time. Judging by the change in the past month, I may not look a whole lot different by this time next month. It's hard because at the beginning you can't help but worry that the weight may not ever come off. I'm just ready to not be fat anymore, as bad as that sounds. I could just use some encouragement.


  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    You didn't gain it overnight and you won't lose it overnight. It's a process of learning. Learning how to stay within a certain calorie count, learning what to do when you slip up, learning how to give and get support.

    You're doing great to have lost 16# in only two months. At this rate in 2 years you will lose 192 pounds. It isn't a race so enjoy the fact that you weigh 16 pounds less than you did before Halloween. If you keep this up by next Halloween you'll be down another 80 pounds. Take a deep breath, then go look at a "before" photo. I'd be surprised if you can't see a difference. You'll be "not fat", just give it the time it takes.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    Weight loss is a slow process.

    You have two options.

    1. Give up and stay at this weight forever (or more likely, gain more).

    2. Continue your efforts. You'll get to your goal eventually. Every day you stay committed you're a day closer to your goal.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    Weight loss is a slow process.

    You have two options.

    1. Give up and stay at this weight forever (or more likely, gain more).

    2. Continue your efforts. You'll get to your goal eventually. Every day you stay committed you're a day closer to your goal.

    This is so good...thanks!
  • schibsted750
    schibsted750 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm still not really sure why, but I think it's generally the case that as we lose weight, we're less able to see the change in our appearance than the people around us are. I lost 40 pounds over the course of a few months, and I really didn't feel like my appearance was changing throughout the process. But other people noticed, and gave me unsolicited compliments all the time, and still do, and I believe them, because the jeans I'm wearing fit me snugly when I bought them last May, but now I can take them off without unbuttoning the waistband.

    Maybe people are complimenting you and maybe they're not, but I guarantee you that they're noticing. I think it's safe to say that being 16 pounds lighter is going to make you look very different than you did before. In a month you'll be down 24 pounds. In another month, 32. 32 pounds is a big, big number. You'll look like a completely different person.
  • ArmstrongSabrina
    ArmstrongSabrina Posts: 38 Member
    1.) "I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday"
    2.) "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."

    Those are two quotes that have been helping me. You have done a GREAT job so far. Don't feel discouraged, feel PROUD. Keep going and you will succeed even further.
  • PamOliva
    PamOliva Posts: 101 Member
    I think 16 lbs in 2 months is awesome! I have a dog that weighs that much. Think about other things that weigh that much. Pick up 3 sacks of potatoes at the store. You lost that much! When I got overwhelmed with the journey I focused on other numbers beyond pounds. Measurements are helpful. Sometimes I was losing inches before pounds and that was encouraging. Monthly pictures helped. I could see in photos what I could not see in the mirror. Percentage to goal helped a lot. When I started tracking this number I was 38% to my goal and it helped to motivate me. "Hey almost half way there! No turning back; look how far I've come."

    Clothing sizes will change. Your face is something people notice a lot getting slimmer even if you don't see it. Be open to looking at other signs of progress. I bet you've changed a lot of habits. Be proud of that too. That is super important for the long haul. If I had a week where I didn't lose weight I'd think: "This is like practicing maintenance, this is good too, I'm not gaining." It's all a grand celebration. Keep going!
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    Hi MissJ! I wanted to offer you encouragement, because I've been feeling much the same!
    I've lost 13 pounds (that I know of), and have another 70 or so to go.
    I started walking in the beginning of November, and a little while later, discovered MFP. Something inside my head switched.... or exploded, maybe :).... and now every since then, I figure it's a done deal, and it's just a matter of time!
    Even still, I've bounced up and down between the same four pounds for the last... oh, two weeks or so--and I've been reading and reading about muscle gain (I walk and exercise quite a tremendous amount -I walk like 12 miles per day, plus 42 or so minutes of aerobics, so regularly over two full hours of per day of intentional exercise), about weight gain at ovulation, about retaining water with sodium.... on and on.... trying to figure out my Patterns by a mere few weeks is somewhat difficult! ;)

    Point being, it seems strange to have made such a distinct and massive change in my head, and to have it not show up immediately on the outside! (This isn't a jab at all the wonderful folks around here who have paid their dues with blood, sweat, and tears, but rather noting my bemusement that everything under the sun seems to be going on much as before, even though the world/life/living/thinking has so drastically changed, if you see what I mean.)

    Along with ... blaming? questioning?... my body and its cycles and such, I am, of course, also questioning and learning about the communications and ins and outs between my Steps app, my Fitbit Charge HR, and my caloric intake.

    I should be able to weigh 'normally' in a few days, and post water-release, I am looking forward to taking some measurements in a few days. God help me if this stagnation goes on much longer! lol.

    All this :) to say "You are not alone", and "I understand", and "We have much in common.... maybe we should be Friends".

    I hope you find the encouragement that you are hoping for in all of these comments. :)

  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    +1 to everything that's been said in this thread so far.
  • jslehmer
    jslehmer Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm a 2nd time around newby. I need to loose 50+ lbs. I can't stay this weight, it is starting to take a toll on my health. So...I am making my weekly goal of logging every day. Would love support. Thanks, Joann
  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    You guys are awesome. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • As you lose weight one has to remember that the fat is not only what you can see. The fat has invaded the outsides of our organs. As we lose weight you will actually feel fatter at times due to the fat that has pushed up against our organs. Its a mind twister at times cahse the scale says yay you lost ## but you look in the mirror and say no i didnt. I was 320lbs a year ago. Im now 248. During the weight loss there would be tons of times i would even feel fatter. Losing weight creates alot of good changes to the body. Just remember keep pounding it out. And it shouldnt be a diet. Its a life change. I get discouraged when i hear "diet" i feel its a bad label. I was 320 because i over ate and i chose easy to cook easy to obtain food. Its expensive to eat the rite way. Before i could buy some pizzas,bagels,burritos etc for half the cost of chicken,spinach and vegetables. Or how bout the fact that affordable bread is so horrible for us. Theres a reason so many of us are overweight. Cause its easy and habit forming. Set short term weight goals and one big goal. You will plateau and alot of people will give up. Plateaus can last for weeks and theres no telling how many you will hit. When i plateau i change my exercise routine and ignore the scale fir a while. Every year that went by i wished that would have been the year i lost weight. Life is so much better and im still 30lbs from my big goal. Dont give up! Ever! Fight the good fight! Life has soooooo much to offer when your not held down with low energy,insecurity and everything else that goes along with being overweight. YOU CAN NOT GIVE UP!