
Ok so, I have a small ulcer and just got put on meds for it. I've been reading that kombucha can help heal your gut. It has a trace amount of alcohol in it (.5-3% is what I read in an article today). I also read that the store bought kombucha is usually on the higher end alcohol content wise due to the fact that if not pasteurized it can continue to ferment in the bottle. The only brand on the market according to this article that doesn't pasteurize is GT's, which is the kind I drink. While kombucha tends to be a little expensive to buy to drink everyday, I have been trying to include a bottle a day in my diet. Between my new medication and the kombucha, my stomach issues have severely lessened. Here's my question. Has anyone else ever experienced a slight bit of feeling good after drinking a bottle? I mean obviously it's not going to get you drunk or even buzzed, but I notice a definite "feeling good" experience after I have my daily bottle. Am I imagining this or has anyone else experienced it?


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I am sensitive to alcohol and definitely notice it GT's kombucha. It's not in your head.
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    When you say "healing your gut", I don't think you understood quite what was meant by the term "healing". When most people talk about the digestive benefits of kombucha, they mean using the probiotic cultures present in it to colonize their gut with beneficial bacteria. For people with candida or with lots of digestive issues, it can help with this sort of healing. While kombucha is still healthy for you, I don't know that it would necessarily help to heal your ulcer.

    That said, the alcohol content in most store-bought kombucha is really low. There was a huge fiasco a couple of years ago when the FDA found that a couple of national brands had enough alcohol to be federally regulated, which causes most manufacterers to find ways to keep their products suitably low in alcohol. You shouldn't get a "buzz" off of it unless you're the world' lightest lightweight.
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    To clarify, I have other digestive issues. I don't believe that the kombucha is healing the ulcer. And also I did say in my original post that it wasn't a "buzz", more like just a relaxed feeling.
  • lilyangiolini
    lilyangiolini Posts: 2 Member
    I am learning to make kombucha at home. You can use one store bought unpasteurized bottle to form a scoby then make your own. It will save you a lot of money and help you to know your ingredients. Just a thought, in case you are looking for less expensive ways to enjoy kombucha on a regular basis. :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes I feel it too.
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    See now I need to google it, never heard of it! Is it any good for ibs c ?
  • scrog2
    scrog2 Posts: 1 Member
    Try and find a friend or someone living near you to give you a scoby! best way to start.
  • s16m
    s16m Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2016
    My dad has been obsessed with "buchie" as he fondly calls it for years! He has always made it himself. Once you get familiar with the brewing process, it is very simple and you can make gallons very cheap. Probably his whole batch costs less than one bottle of the commercial buchie.
    Find someone who brews near you and get a piece of their 'mother' to start or find a specialty health food store that might sell it.
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Love Kombucha for the fermented cultures thus getting probiotics! I love the ginger blend, its great when i feel like im getting sick. Or a nice drink every once in a while.
  • cpp_happy
    cpp_happy Posts: 60 Member
    Yes, I notice it.
    I grew my own scoby from a bottle of GTs a few years ago and I've been making it ever since. It's easy and fun in a "science in the kitchen kind of way" :smile:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I brew my own. You can order a scoby online. I've bought them from ebay and Amazon sellers in the past with good results.

    I don't notice a buzz or pleasant feeling, but I'll go have a glass now and pay more attention. :smile: