Scared to get on the scale!

I've been dieting & exercising for a week now. I feel like a week is enough time to make a slight amount of progress that would show up on the scale. Thing is, I never weighed myself before starting my journey. (I purely guessed my weight based on what I weighed a year ago) I knew I should have. My husband kept telling me to. I wanted to, but I was scared. I am so tempted to go step on that scale right now, but the fear is still winning. Anybody else have that? Somebody drag my butt onto it!!


  • alee_xoxo
    alee_xoxo Posts: 6 Member
    When I started TOTALLY YES had the same thing, felt similar things - fear, disappointment, overwhelmed by how far away from my goal I was. But don't give it a second thought - get on that scale. There is nothing to fear - if the number is higher than you expect - it's just a number and you're already making positive change. My first weigh in, I was so disheartened. I "guess-timated" based on a previous weight and was even heavier than I thought, despite having already made changes. I just told myself, I'd never ever get on the scales that heavy again and I've never looked back. So far, I'm 17kgs lighter and loving it. So take the leap! Hope this helps!!
  • Friday is my weigh in day. This is my first real week, so I am remaining optimistic. The gym has one of those machines that does weight, blood pressure etc. Getting ready to leave now....
  • Lmck13
    Lmck13 Posts: 17 Member
    The scale and the number you see doesn't define you... In fact it is only a small detail. Don't be happy or sad about it. It is starting point to the changes you have already started to make! You can do it!
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,398 Member
    wendykoopa wrote: »
    I've been dieting & exercising for a week now. I feel like a week is enough time to make a slight amount of progress that would show up on the scale. Thing is, I never weighed myself before starting my journey. (I purely guessed my weight based on what I weighed a year ago) I knew I should have. My husband kept telling me to. I wanted to, but I was scared. I am so tempted to go step on that scale right now, but the fear is still winning. Anybody else have that? Somebody drag my butt onto it!!

    If you never did a weigh in to start, just do it. And then weigh yourself several times a day on a day when you are home. And then weigh daily and log it using something like Libra or HappyScale apps. By then you will see how your weight fluctuates through the day, as well as day to day.

    After that, weigh when you want. But just remember weight loss isn't linear, so don't freak out if you get on the scale and don't see your results every time. And it's just a number. Often people see body changes when weight is stable.

    It's not uncommon for my weight to fluctuate over 5 pounds in a single day.
  • lemmie177
    lemmie177 Posts: 479 Member
    The scale does not judge you. It can only give you information. Use that info to empower yourself and inform your future decisions.
  • blushingmama
    blushingmama Posts: 111 Member
    edited January 2016
    I don't even own a scale. Threw that evil thing out! For some of us, it's motivational to see the numbers creep down for others the numbers are never enough and you're a slave to the number. There's other ways to measure your progress besides a scale. I tend to look for personal records, how my body feels, how my clothes fit, and rarely I'll even take out a tape measure.

  • skyedogz
    skyedogz Posts: 21 Member
    I am the same. It sadly has the negative effect on me that if I've gained I lose a bit of my fighting spirit. Good advice from lemmie177 to be empowered by the results!
  • alaromeny91
    alaromeny91 Posts: 8 Member
    I like to weigh myself everyday, the first one of a session is always the worst, then you get over it, and every change to it during your session makes you feel like a superstar! You're already on the right track just keep it up! If you are really affraid then I would measure your waist and hips and use that instead. Good luck and keep it up :D
  • gtm5
    gtm5 Posts: 27 Member
    Your first number is just a starting point, that's all!
  • gracepost123
    gracepost123 Posts: 81 Member
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    The scale is just another data point. I also take measurements and pictures for progress. FitBit does my calories out, and MFP does the calories in. My pants are getting bigger, and that's the end goal. Figure out what will be your motivation. If you want the scale number, do it. If you want to go by something else, do it.