have zero time to get a work out in, but need exercise need help

Mother of four and I work 60-80hrs. A week. I wake up at 4am get dressed drive fiance to work in pack kids get them feed, dressed for school off to school and day care head straight to work. Hey home about 6:45 take kids to practice and tutoring. Come home make dinner clean do laundry get kids then help get ready for bed take my shower set up everything for in the morning and go to bed at 11:00. It's all non stop but I physically, emotionally, and health wise need the exercise. I have a goal of losing 70-80lbs. That's not going to happen with put exercise... I need advice on what I can do to sneak something in or how to get the extra support from my loved ones in the house for mommy to get some of her own time to do something.


  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Lady! What! How did you even have time for this post!?

    Firstly, you can lose the weight without exercise. You just need to eat less.

    It sounds like your daily routine is very stressful. Exercise does have some stress-releiving qualities but when you first start out it creates mores stress because your body and brain have to get used to a new thing. I think you really need to take some of the stress and responsibility out of your life before you can make room for new exercise. Is there any way you can work fewer hours? You said you have a fiancé, can they pick up a household responsibility of yours (cooking or laundry or whichever)?

    Take care of yourself, friend.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You can lose weight just by regulating your calorie intake. Although, of course, for health it's important to get some exercise in.

    Looks to me like sometime in the 4 hours between 7 and 11 you have time to get a workout in.

    You don't say what you do for work, but surely you have time to walk around during the day or take a walk during your break?

    At the end of the day if you want to make it happen you'll make it happen.
  • 100df
    100df Posts: 668 Member
    I am exhausted just reading that. You are already running! Could you take a walk during lunch or go to a gym? Could fiance get a ride a couple mornings a week so you can use the time to work out?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    You can lose weight just by regulating your calorie intake. Although, of course, for health it's important to get some exercise in.

    Looks to me like sometime in the 4 hours between 7 and 11 you have time to get a workout in.

    You don't say what you do for work, but surely you have time to walk around during the day or take a walk during your break?

    At the end of the day if you want to make it happen you'll make it happen.

    This is just a shot in the dark, but I'm guessing you're not a mother of 4.

    Looks to me like sometime in the hours between 7 and 11 she has time to (maybe) pee? By herself if she's lucky?
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    edited January 2016
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    You can lose weight just by regulating your calorie intake. Although, of course, for health it's important to get some exercise in.

    Looks to me like sometime in the 4 hours between 7 and 11 you have time to get a workout in.

    You don't say what you do for work, but surely you have time to walk around during the day or take a walk during your break?

    At the end of the day if you want to make it happen you'll make it happen.

    This is just a shot in the dark, but I'm guessing you're not a mother of 4.

    Looks to me like sometime in the hours between 7 and 11 she has time to (maybe) pee? By herself if she's lucky?


    As the mother of three, I find this a bit dramatic.

    OP, can you get a lunchtime workout in? Can you put anyone else in the house in charge of some of the things you listed so you can get a little more free time for exercise?

    Harsh truth: if it's a priority, you will make it happen.
  • 14122
    14122 Posts: 5 Member
    You are very busy. I think one way to approach this is not to think about "losing weight" but to think about "eating healthy food." So for instance, pack your food for the day when you pack your kids' food, and pack yourself only food where you can tell what plant or animal it came from. There's no potato chip plant or potato chip animal and no diet coke creek, so skip those. But there's an apple tree and clementine trees and turkey and lettuce & tomatoes, nuts, etc. You get it. Start by making the change to what your put in your body, since your body is working really, really, incredibly hard to keep up with everything you are asking it to do for you!! Also, consider introducing say, a walk on Saturday morning and a walk on Sunday-- even 15 minutes of alone time, just you and your sneakers, is good. Even if its cold outside, its still your time. Or have a "crock pot" night on Friday or Saturday for your family's dinner-- where you go to an exercise or stretching class to take deep breaths once per week, and they get their own food from the crock pot. Or go to an stretching class on Saturday morning. Small food and body movement changes can make a big difference in mindset and habits. Treat your body kindly by feeding it food it can use as it moves you through your day. Good luck!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Mother of four and I work 60-80hrs. A week. I wake up at 4am get dressed drive fiance to work in pack kids get them feed, dressed for school off to school and day care head straight to work. Hey home about 6:45 take kids to practice and tutoring. Come home make dinner clean do laundry get kids then help get ready for bed take my shower set up everything for in the morning and go to bed at 11:00. It's all non stop but I physically, emotionally, and health wise need the exercise. I have a goal of losing 70-80lbs. That's not going to happen with put exercise... I need advice on what I can do to sneak something in or how to get the extra support from my loved ones in the house for mommy to get some of her own time to do something.

    Is there a parent who goes to the same practice/tutoring with whom you could take turns doing the transportation? Or have your fiance do it every other night? What about your fiance making dinner/doing laundry?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    You can lose weight just by regulating your calorie intake. Although, of course, for health it's important to get some exercise in.

    Looks to me like sometime in the 4 hours between 7 and 11 you have time to get a workout in.

    You don't say what you do for work, but surely you have time to walk around during the day or take a walk during your break?

    At the end of the day if you want to make it happen you'll make it happen.

    This is just a shot in the dark, but I'm guessing you're not a mother of 4.

    Looks to me like sometime in the hours between 7 and 11 she has time to (maybe) pee? By herself if she's lucky?


    As the mother of three, I find this a bit dramatic.

    OP, can you get a lunchtime workout in? Can you put anyone else in the house in charge of some of the things you listed so you can get a little more free time for exercise?

    Harsh truth: if it's a priority, you will make it happen.


    noun, Rhetoric.

    1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.

    2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally.

    Although, honestly, as a mother of 2 I find it not quite dramatic enough. Let's have a contest over who's got it worse and who does more work and who can dish out the harshest truths. Battle Of The Moms!! lol
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Mother of four and I work 60-80hrs. A week. I wake up at 4am get dressed drive fiance to work in pack kids get them feed, dressed for school off to school and day care head straight to work. Hey home about 6:45 take kids to practice and tutoring. Come home make dinner clean do laundry get kids then help get ready for bed take my shower set up everything for in the morning and go to bed at 11:00. It's all non stop but I physically, emotionally, and health wise need the exercise. I have a goal of losing 70-80lbs. That's not going to happen with put exercise... I need advice on what I can do to sneak something in or how to get the extra support from my loved ones in the house for mommy to get some of her own time to do something.

    Luckily, weight loss does not require exercise, it requires a calorie deficit. Get a food scale, and weigh and log accurately. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10257474/starting-out-restarting-basics-inside#latest
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    You can lose weight just by regulating your calorie intake. Although, of course, for health it's important to get some exercise in.

    Looks to me like sometime in the 4 hours between 7 and 11 you have time to get a workout in.

    You don't say what you do for work, but surely you have time to walk around during the day or take a walk during your break?

    At the end of the day if you want to make it happen you'll make it happen.

    This is just a shot in the dark, but I'm guessing you're not a mother of 4.

    Looks to me like sometime in the hours between 7 and 11 she has time to (maybe) pee? By herself if she's lucky?


    As the mother of three, I find this a bit dramatic.

    OP, can you get a lunchtime workout in? Can you put anyone else in the house in charge of some of the things you listed so you can get a little more free time for exercise?

    Harsh truth: if you want it, you will make it happen.

    Agreed. I could repeat the same busy working mom schedule as everyone else if I wanted but the point is that i made it happen because I wanted it bad enough.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    How old are these kids

    Do you have to drive them to activities can you walk / run them there instead? What do you do whilst they are at these activities? Why can't they get there alone / with friends?

    Prioritise some time for yourself, even if it means your kids being restricted to 2 after school activities - research has shown it is important for children to develop the ability to deal with boredom .. it's a great tool you could give them making them responsible for entertaining themselves etc .. don't over-schedule them or allow them to over-commit .. it doesn't actually improve their results / levels of happiness

    These are your children, you are a family unit and everybody in the family has the right to some self-actualisation

    Unless you have SEN / Health issues or children are pre-school you can adjust schedules
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Also, have you looked into some crockpot recipes or cooking on the weekends in bulk and freezing for faster dinner prep firing the week?

    And honestly, sometimes the only cardio I get is a lap around the house between stirring the pot. I can rack up some steps in my house. As others have said, exercise is not needed, but I've found even small changes to increase my number of steps during the day have greatly helped.
  • agent99design
    agent99design Posts: 11 Member
    While I boil the kettle or cook I do as many body squats as I can. It's an easy way to add in exercise. Also sometimes at the bottom of the stairs I drop down and push out 20 push-ups.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    Can't your fiance help with the dinner, cleaning, laundry, helping the kids getting to bed and setting up everything ready for the next day?
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    When I was on my own with two kids, I tried to get up earlier than they did and do exercise videos in my room. (Wasn't always successful as they'd wake up and interrupt me.) The main difference between my situation and yours is not the number of kids; it's that I didn't have a non-contributing adult living in the house for whom I was ALSO responsible.

    Seems to me your fiance can get himself to work (he seems to get himself home - that's not on your list). I'm also guessing that anyone who starts work so early is also home earlier and can manage dinner for everyone, or cart some of the kids around, etc. If there's only one car in the family, then he can make lunches for the next day, or take over any household responsibility keeping you from having a moment to yourself before bed time.

    You're going to marry this guy; do you anticipate he will always be hands off when it comes to the kids? Or are you a team? Looks to me right now you're a single mother of five people - not four.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Can't your fiance help with the dinner, cleaning, laundry, helping the kids getting to bed and setting up everything ready for the next day?

    This...what's he doing to pull his weight (so to speak)...have a word.

    Also, bulk cook a bunch of stuff on Sunday afternoons and stock up your freezer, should free some time up during the week.
  • FiNnY22
    FiNnY22 Posts: 126 Member
    In the UK we have a great guy who is doing really well with his "lean in 15" food and exercise - its 15 minutes of HIIT a day that you can do in your living room. Check out "The Body Coach" on You Tube and good luck :)
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Busy mum of 3 here yea its tough but everyone has 10 minutes. At the very least I do pushups and squats.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    It's really hard but frankly, I used to use "I have no time I'm so freakin busy" excuse for a long time. when my mind was ready, I MADE time. I made exercise priority. I had to re-arrange my days. I arranged for my kids to stay at school 30 minutes longer twice a week, I quietly sneaked out of work 10 minutes sooner, I changed into my running clothes in the car, I parked near their school and had my 35 minute run there. Other days I plopped them in front of youtube and did short and intense videos myself (they did climb on me, and thought it was a game and tried to play along but eventually they got bored). I think short and intense is key in your situation, look into youtube channels for daily HIIT for example or NTC smartphone app. I hear ya for needing exercise, it is much easier both mentally and physically to create a calorie deficit if you exercise, I couldn't do without.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited January 2016
    Behind a good woman should always be a good man.. if you've got a man! My husband would not hesitate to take on some load. And when I ever need "Me" time, there is a way to make it happen...

    I know what it is like to have serious hustle and bustle in life (work, family kids, events, chores)...

    But exercise can be 5-10 minutes several times a day, it does not have to be done all at one time..